Friday, January 16, 2009
"Ha Ha...Your Media Is Dying!"
Dedicated to icons of the Dinosaur Media like the New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The San Francico Chronicle, Time, Newsweak and a whole bunch of other biased, Leftist rags....
And I can't wait for the alphabet networks and CNN follow along the same path.Fresh Evidence Of Iran's Ramped Up Quest For Nukes
Iran's efforts are detailed in a series of recent emails and letters between Iranian companies and foreign suppliers seen by The Wall Street Journal. Business records show one Iranian company, ABAN Commercial & Industrial Ltd., has contracted through an intermediary for more than 30,000 kilograms (about 66,000 pounds) of tungsten copper -- which can be used in missile guidance systems -- from Advanced Technology & Materials Co. Ltd. of Beijing. One March 2008 email between the firms mentions shipping 215 ingots, with more planned.
The United Arab Emirates has informed the U.S. that in September it intercepted a Chinese shipment headed to Iran of specialized aluminum sheets that can be used to make ballistic missiles. A month earlier, UAE officials also intercepted an Iran-bound shipment of titanium sheets that can be used in long-range missiles, according to a recent letter to the U.S. Commerce Department from the UAE's Washington ambassador.
Evidence of Iran's efforts to acquire sensitive materials also is emerging from investigations by state and federal prosecutors in New York into whether a number of major Western banks illegally handled funds for Iran and deliberately hid Iranian transactions routed through the U.S. One focus of the inquiries is the role of Italy, including the Rome branch of Iran's Bank Sepah and Italy's Banca Intesa Sanpaolo Spa. Banca Intesa said it is cooperating in the inquiries.
U.S. and European governments have grown increasingly alarmed in recent months at the speed they believe Iran is developing ballistic-missile and nuclear capabilities. Last year the United Nations Security Council, which includes China, formally imposed sanctions on Iran's military and most of its banks for nuclear proliferation activities.
As the article reveals, the Chinese have been evading the sanctions by using deliberately created loopholes in the UN sanctions resolutions...for instance, the powdered form of tungsten copper is prohibited by the accords China agreed to adhere to, but tungsten copper ingots aren't banned, even though they're essentially the same material in a slightly different form that can be easily configured to make missiles just as the powdered form can.
European banks are apparently taking the same laissez-faire attitude when it comes to financing the mullah's nuclear programs:Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said he is conducting a broad inquiry into illegal transactions by Iran. Last week, Lloyds TSB of London agreed to pay $350 million to settle U.S. sanctions-busting charges with Mr. Morgenthau's office and the Justice Department. The bank admitted it violated U.S. law but said the practice has ceased.
"There are nine other banks that we think were doing this," said Mr. Morgenthau in an interview, including Barclays PLC of the U.K. A Barclays spokesman had no comment beyond a prior disclosure confirming the inquiry. Other banks under scrutiny in the probe include Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank, people with knowledge of the inquiries said. Credit Suisse "is cooperating with the New York County District Attorney's Office, the U.S. Department of Justice and other governmental authorities," the bank said in a statement. A Deutsche Bank spokesman declined to comment.
The current occupant of the White House had a few things to say about making tough decisions to 'keep us safe' in his farewell address last night.
It's obvious to me that he punted on one of the biggest ones.Costly Inaugurations - The AP Has Diff'rent Strokes For Diff'rent Folks
Here's the AP in January 2004, writing a 'news story' about George W. Bush's 2004 Inaugural:President Bush’s second inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars — $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?
■ 200 armored Humvees with the best armor for troops in Iraq.
■ Vaccinations and preventive health care for 22 million children in regions devastated by the tsunami.
■ A down payment on the nation’s deficit, which hit a record-breaking $412 billion last year....
The questions have come from Bush supporters and opponents: Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?
Now let's move forward to January 2009 and the AP's take on the Obama Inaugural:For inaugural balls, go for glitz, forget economy
So you're attending an inaugural ball saluting the historic election of Barack Obama in the worst economic climate in three generations. Can you get away with glitzing it up and still be appropriate, not to mention comfortable and financially viable?
To quote the man of the hour: Yes, you can. Veteran ballgoers say you should. And fashionistas insist that you must.
"This is a time to celebrate. This is a great moment. Do not dress down. Do not wear the Washington uniform," said Tim Gunn, a native Washingtonian and Chief Creative Officer at Liz Claiborne, Inc.
"Just because the economy is in a downturn, it doesn't mean that style is going to be in a downturn," agreed Ken Downing, fashion director for Neiman Marcus.
So, lessee....Bush gets slammed for running a cheaper affair during a better economy, while Obama gets fist bumps for running the most expensive inaugural in history, over $150 million, during a major economic downturn.
Sounds fair and balanced to me - NOT!
hat tip to AceWatcher's Council results, 1/16/09
The Council has spoken! A complete rundown of the voting tallies is here.
This week's winner on the Council was yours truly, for The Hidden Story On Gaza , my piece connecting the dots on the political aspects and back ground of the war. Thanks gang, as always...I appreciate it.
In second place was Right Truth for America Said NO, Debbie Hamilton's fine piece on the Bush Administration's refusal to aid an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.That decision may well end up having far more to do with the current occupant of the White House's legacy than the Iraq war does.
Also getting votes were Soccer Dad for Both sides now , Mere Rhetoric with Media Outlets Can’t Get Over The Tactical Brilliance Of Hamas’s Use Of Human Shields, and The Provocateur with Some Perspective on the Great Loan Modification Scam.
Among the non-Council entries, I was particularly glad to see that the winner was my nominee, Seraphic Secret's Robert Avrech writing over at Big Hollywood with an excellent piece, Learning From the Real Battle of Algiers . Robert compared the classic film - a masterpiece of leftist/Islamist propaganda - with the reality of what actually happened there. As I told him, I can't wait for him to finish part two. Some Hollywood sequels actually do work out well!
In second place was a great Ralph Peters NY Post column on Gaza that was reprinted in Front Page Magazine, Hamas’ Brutal Legacy .
As usual, congratulations not only to the winners, but to all the participants.Thursday, January 15, 2009
Obama To Annouce $1 Billion In Cuts From Israel Loan Guarantees?
This is from Ha'aretz, so it should taken with a grain of salt, but given whom Obama has around him it's at least plausible:The United States administration plans to cut about $1 billion from the balance of its loan guarantees to Israel because of its investments in the settlements. The balance currently stands at $4.6 billion.
Washington has not officially informed Jerusalem of the cut. The assumption is that the announcement, and the decision over the exact extent of the cut, will come only after Barack Obama is sworn in as president next Tuesday.
Israel has used about $4.4 billion of the $9 billion in loan guarantees extended by the U.S. in 2003 in the wake of the war in Iraq and to help shore up the Israeli economy. The guarantees have assumed greater importance recently in light of the global economic crisis and the Finance Ministry intention to use the guarantees to secure foreign loans to help pay for the expected government budget deficit.
The loan guarantees arrangement specifies that the U.S. will reduce the guarantees by the amount the Israeli government spends on settlements in the West Bank. The U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv monitors that spending and the administration informs Jerusalem of the amount it is holding back from the guarantees.
In the past two years no such announcement was made, but in unofficial talks held recently U.S. officials indicated that the cut would be about $1 billion.
I the US planning on cutting aid to the Palestinian Authority based on the amount it sends to Hamas, or uses to pay the salaries of the terrorist Al-Aksa brigades?
Somehow, I don't think so...
Hope n'change!
hat tip to Carl IDF Stomps Major Hamas Cockroaches
The crater above used to house the mansion of Said Siam, the Hamzas Interior Minister and a direct contact between the Hamas leadership in Gaza and the Hamas leadership in Damascus. He was also close to Iran and was one of the masterminds behind Hamas's violent takeover of the Gaza Strip back in June 2007.
He blowed up real good.
Salah Abu Shrakh, the head of the Hamas general security service, was also killed in the same strike, as was Mahmoud Watfa, one of the senior commanders of the Hamas military wing.
They also blowed up real good, making the world a much nicer place.
Bechatzlechah, IDF...and thank you.Gaza Ceasefire??
According to the report, the sides have agreed on the truce, on the supervision of the smuggling issue, on the crossings and on lifting of the blockade imposed on the Strip.
According to the sources, the two sides are expected to agree on a ceasefire which will likely begin within 72 hours and last up to two weeks.
During this period of time, the parties will discuss the Israel Defense Forces' withdrawal from Gaza and the withdrawal's timing. Palestinian sources estimated that the pullback into Israel would be swift.
According to the sources, on the issue of the supervision mechanism it has been agreed that the international forces' presence would be on the Palestinian side of the Philadelphi route.
On this issue the sides are expected to discuss the identity of the supervisors and the international force. Hamas is interested in Turkish forces, while Israel is expected to demand a reinforced Western presence.
Simultaneously, Egypt will begin using the supervision equipment sent by the United States. This mechanism is aimed at reducing the smuggling of weapons through Hamas tunnels in the Rafah area to a minimum.
The operation of the crossings, particularly the Rafah crossings, will be based on an agreement from 2005 which includes the presence of European monitors, Israeli cameras and a force on behalf of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Hamas will also be present at the crossings, but the location of its representatives has yet to be determined.
I have my doubts on this.
For one thing, if this is the basic outline of the agreement, it's difficult to see why even the Olmert government would agree to it. The Israelis, who have a real chance to smash Hamas for good would get absolutely nothing out of this except a reimposition of the old status quo that Hamas never kept anyway..and any 'truce' would only last until Hamas can replenish its rocket supply from Iran and is strong enough again to restart the war.
Admittedly, the Olmert/Livni/Barak triumvirate has surprised me before with with their abject stupidity, but I find it hard to believe that they're this clueless.
For another thing, I find it difficult to believe that Hamas' Gaza leadership is ready to defy Khalid Meshaal and their other Damascus bosses..unless there's been a major change.
I suppose we'll see in due time.The Governator Gives Us All A Peek Into The Future
Today,Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger delivered the obligatory `state of the state' speech. It's something Americans in general should take careful note of.
It was extremely short,and about half of it consisted of rah rahs, thank yous and comments on Obama's upcoming inauguration, but then the Governor said that he wasn't there to give the traditional State of the State address there today.
Boiled down to essentials, here's the gist of what he had to say:
1) The State of California, the eighth largest economy in the world is in a state of fiscal crisis and faces insolvency in a matter of weeks.
2)That the $43 billion dollar budget deficit precludes doing any other state business until the legislature comes up with a budget that addresses that little fact.
3)That partisan warfare had poisoned the legislature, but that it was time to move beyond that to work together to solve California's fiscal crisis. The Governor did not go into specifics,but the clear implication was that Democrats would have to accede to cuts that affected the public employee unions and their pet programs and Republicans were going to have to give on increased taxes and fees in a state that is already one of the highest taxed in the US!
Needless to say, Governor Schwartzenegger caught a major load from the media for not providing any specific plans, for not saying anything substantial and for being incompetent and responsible for the state's fiscal woes in general. One smarmy talk radio host referred to it as a "doughnut speech..all powdered sugar with a hole in the middle."
I'm not the Governator's biggest fan, but I can't imagine what they expected him to say. All he has to do is mention a specific area that he wants to cut spending on in public , and the Democrats who rule the State legislature will get the phone calls from whatever special interest group is involved and come out with a public response saying that it's impossible,that they will never agree to it and that Schwartzenegger is a Nazi for even suggesting it.
At least in private, he has a shot at proposing something they mightactually agree to.
California's legislature is essentially run by the Democrats, who have an unassailable majority thanks to some fairly shady redistricting. They also hold every major state office except the governor's chair. They also run well entrenched political machines that control the two of the three largest cities in the state.
California's Democrats are absolutely addicted to spending and for a long time they were able to get away with it because of the influx into California from the rest of the country and the state's cut of record high real estate prices, onerous taxes on the huge amounts of gasoline purchased because of the suburban commute in many area and hefty taxes and fees on income, vehicles, businesses and just about everything else you can imagine.
At this point however,the booze is gone, the women have left the building, the place is trashed and the party's over.
Businesses are actually leaving the state because it's so difficult and costly to do business there, and for the first time last year more people left California than arrived here from the other 49 states.Meanwhile ,the population and the demands on the state's infrastructure and services actually grew because of the influx of illegal aliens,the costly five-hundred-pound gorilla in the room nobody wants to mention.Los Angeles,San Francisco and several other California locales have passed laws to become 'sanctuary cities' for illegal aliens,which means that they won't cooperate with ICE in any way, so that drain on the state's resources is not going away anytime soon.
The real estate market and the many associated industries it fed is in a tailspin, without an end in sight. Foreclosures are at record highs,and the Democrats in the legislature passed laws that make it risky and prohibitive for investors to buy foreclosures, so even the handful of properties that actually have equity are sitting there.
Because of the insane spending and indebtedness,not only is the state's credit rating at an all time low but the usual bridge loans the state has had access to in the past are out of the question...and the state's other recourse, drastically raising taxes, will simply increase the exodus of businesses, entrepreneurs and a good chunk of the population actually paying taxes who can see their way clear to leaving.
The Governor makes a convenient scapegoat,but the reality is that he's actually been a somewhat moderating force at the orgy, and has at least whipped out his veto pen now and then...most recently when the Democrats in the legislature tried to violate the state constitution and sneak a whole slew of taxes and fees in without the required two thirds majority.
And I would also point out that the Governor during his first term put three initiative propositions on the ballot that would have actually helped break this cycle...but the public employee unions and the Democrats were able to defeat them and keep the status quo in place.
So at this point,either government employment and services get slashed deeply or taxes get raised to the stratosphere..or more likely,both.
Schwatzenegger's relatively powerless to affect which way things go, and in any event he'll be gone in 2010, and a Democrat will likely control the governorship and remove even that modest safeguard.
So,you say, I live in Indiana. Why is this stuff relevant to me?
Simple. California is usually ahead of the curve on these kinds of trends..and in five days, we're going to inaugurate exactly the same kind of political set up on a national level - but with the single exception that the Feds can print their own money and make things even worse.
Hasta la veesta, Bay-bee....and don't say you weren't warned.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Not that any of my regular readers need it, but a whole slew of new evidence has recently surfaced about recent efforts by Iran to evade sanctions and acquire metals from China used to make long-range nuclear missiles and other high tech weaponry...and their use of European banks to finance the transactions.
From the Wall Street Journal:
Completely predictable, by the way....NewsBusters compares the then and now and catches the Associated Press with their pants down and their bias showing:
The English version of the Israeli paper Yediot has a story citing 'Palestinian sources' claiming that Israel and Hamas have agreed to a two week ceasefire, to take effect within 72 hours:
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Britannia Radio