Friday, January 2, 2009 5 Polls show radically different results for Likud and Kadima. 9.3% want ceasefire now

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Self-Inflicted Ignorance Is Suicide
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Dr. Aaron Lerner
(including Arab Israelis) by TNS Teleseker apparently on 1 January and
published in
Maariv on 2 January 2009.
(including Arab Israelis) by Geocartography on 31 December and published in
Globes on 1 January 2009.
(including Arab Israelis) by Dialogue on 31 December and published in
Haaretz on 1 January 2009.
(including Israeli Arabs) carried out by Maagar Mohot Survey Institute
(headed by Professor Yitzchak Katz for Israel Television Channel 2 "Mishal
Cham" program 30 December 2008 - 4th day of operation in Gaza.
(including Arab Israelis) by Smith Consulting on 29-30 December and
published in The Jerusalem Post on 2 January 2009.
28 22 27 25 23 [29] Kadima headed by Livni
16 12 16 15 15 [19] Labor
28 38 32 31 29 [12] Likud
11 08 09 10 10 [12] Shas
12 15 11 10 12 [11] Yisrael Beteinu
04 03 03 04 05 [03] "Jewish Home" (previously NRP)
00 00 00 01 02 [06] Nat'l Union
05 04 05 05 06 [06] Yahadut Hatorah
06 ?? 07 05 06 [05] Meretz
00 ?? 00 02 02 [00] Green Party
00 ?? 00 00 00 [00] Social Justice (Gaydamak Party)
00 ?? 00 02 00 [07] Retirees Party
10 ?? 10 10 10 [10] Arab parties
00 ?? 00 00 00 [00] Meimad
00 ?? 00 00 00 [00] Strong Israel (Efraim Sneh)
800 adult Israelis (including Arab Israelis) by TNS Teleseker apparently on
1 January and published in Maariv on 2 January 2009.
Gaza should the elections be postponed or held on time?
Postpone 33% On time 55.3%
to the firing of rockets at Israel. To what extent do you support this
Greatly support 78.9% Considerably support 14.2% Considerably oppose 2.2%
Greatly oppose 1.7%
39.6% Air operation only
41.8% Ground operation
9.3% Ceasefire now
Israel handle the Gilad Shalit issue?
17.2% Agree to ceasefire in any event
77.3% Agree to ceasefire only with release of Gilad Shalit
have your feelings about the following people changed?
Barak: Improved 43.9% Worsened 2.5% Unchanged 48%
Livni: Improved 27.9% Worsened 3.1% Unchanged 63.5%
Olmert: Improved 24.4% Worsened 7.1% Unchanged 63.5%
Netanyahu: Improved 23.0% Worsened 3.5% Unchanged 68.4%
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