Friday, 2 January 2009


Israel on the Brink of a Ground War with Hamas

From the one-sided BBC reporting you would never realise that Hamas is launching sustained rocket blitzes day after day on Israeli towns. Alexi Sayle, Bianca Jagger, George Galloway MP, Ken Livingstone and Sarah Teather MP have just held a press conference in London saying we must do something about the Gaza situation. That line-up of aging left-wing celebs has stirred Guido's conscience and spurred him into action. Time to get the wallet out again and show his support for the Israeli Defence Forces...

Whereas once Britain's grannies knitted woolie hats and gloves for our boys in the trenches, nowadays modern technology means that you can give your support online to those fighting against Hamas' Islamo-fascism just byclicking on a link. Guido has independently verified this and it is a genuineway to show support for Israel's frontline troops. organise the delivery of Kosher pizzas and Pepsi to troops who will soon be risking their lives searching for rocket firing terrorists. For £100 you can buy pizza & soda for a platoon...