BBC Davos Blog said... Jonah Brown's industrial curse continues to wreak havoc across the nation:FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2009
Hutton Fears Pesky Teenagers
It's For You! Brown's Accidental Tinkle
0947 Gordon Brown looked angry when it turned out some dope had forgotten to turn off his mobile phone during his G20 talk - until the red-faced British PM found out it was his handset ringing. And it went off twice.
Jonah Brown Curse Hits Honda & Velux Jobs
UPDATE : Radioactive Jonah - "Because the future is nuclear, it is only right that Gordon should take a personal interest in the way our installations operate. And thus he went to Sellafield last week. So far, so good. There was, we now learn, a little local difficulty on the day the PM came to call: a radioactive leak that meant a walkway had to be cordoned off and a building closed. The whole thing is now the subject of a board of inquiry but it didn't spoil his trip."
Friday, 30 January 2009
John Hutton is visiting a Sixth Form College in his constituency today. He has asked that for a planned question and answer session with some A Level students the questions be submitted beforehand. Obviously even though they're his constituents one of them could be a bit of a Paxman.Dangerous...
UPDATE : The BBC has the clip of his Nokia ringing - you will wet yourself laughing. Still it is not as bad as the time he met Clinton and other world leaders with a big orange blob on his head is it? He really is just a walking global embarrassment.
During his visit Mr Brown also commented briefly on the current problems facing the car industry and Honda in Swindon. "We are working with all parties involved to improve the situation to help safeguard car production jobs and improve financing options for car buyers"
SwindonLife, January 9, 2009
Honda, Japan's second-biggest carmaker, will tonight be mothballing its plant in Swindon, where the majority of its 4,200 British employees are based, in response to a slump in car sales. British workers at Honda will start an enforced four-month lay-off today against the backdrop of a further dire warning over the trading outlook from the Japanese car giant.
The Times, January 30, 2009
Velux Windows in Glenrothes was subjected to a visit from Jonah last October during the by-election campaign. Gordon congratulated them on their success. (ITN footage of soon to be sacked workers shaking Jonah's hand.) Yesterday Keith Riddle, managing director of The Velux Company Limited, said: "Unfortunately we are making a number of redundancies and are currently in the consultation process with the people affected. It is expected that around half of the job losses will be made in Glenrothes, with the rest being spread around the UK and Ireland. Be warned, whether your business is large or small, if Jonah Brown comes, doom will follow...
Source: Guardian Diary
Posted by Britannia Radio at 13:37