Friday, January 30, 2009
Is the Big Apple following the UK? Cowardly Cops Allow Islamo-Nazi Attack on NY Post Photographer
A photographer from a major New York newspaper was assaulted and harassed by Islamo-Nazi Green Shirts, supporters of Hamas and Hezbollah. The police showed little interest in assisting the photographer--who had working press credentials. The cowardly cops hid from the action. Click below to watch the shocking video. US Diplomacy Recalls European Appeasement
Foreign Confidential....
As the United States prepares for utterly disgraceful direct diplomacy with Iran, the nuclear-arming, Islamist nation is preparing for a protracted game of words that recalls the flawed, six-nation nuclear disarmament talks with North Korea--and the failed attempts by European powers to appease Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
America's diplomatic initiative is doomed. For all its brain power, the Obama administration is ignoring the chief lesson of the prewar years--that it is impossible to appease a rising imperialist power, particularly one that is possessed by a totalitarian ideology (such as fascism or Islamism, a kind of clerical fascism).
The press is asleep at the switch. Understandably focused on the ailing economy and the horrible prospects of a nation plunging into a depression, mainstream media outlets are facilitating a tragic replay of the 1930s. Once again, the Jews are being set up for slaughter. But this time, the prime target of the fascist foe is a Jewish state. And the state will not hesitate to use any all means--including nuclear weapons--to defend its citizens.
No, Mahmoud, try as you might, there will not be a second Holocaust. Masada will not fall again. Like the Nazi madman you seek to emulate (notwithstanding your neo-Nazi Holocaust denial), you, too, will bring destruction down on your people. You have no idea, as the Russians used to say, of the correlation of forces that confront you....Netanyahu Ahead as Israeli Election Approaches
Foreign Confidential....
A new Israeli poll shows Likud leader Benjamin ("Bibi") Netanyahu ahead as a national election approaches.
AP reports:The poll gives Netanyahu 28 seats in Israel's 120-seat parliament. That's five seats more than his closest rival, moderate Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni of the centrist Kadima party.
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In third place is Defense Minister Ehud Barak of Labor.
Friday's poll results mean Netanyahu is most likely to win the Feb. 10 election and will have the best chance of forming a governing coalition. Netanyahu opposes a substantial West Bank withdrawal and has said he will continue expanding settlements.
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Dateline USA....
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Britannia Radio