DEBKAfile Special Report January 5, 2009, 11:01 PM (GMT+02:00) Night battle in Northeastern Gaza City As a Hamas delegation landed in Cairo from Damascus, Monday night Jan. 5, the Hamas and Jihad Islami units which took refuge in Gaza City's northern districts the day before launched a counter-offensive against the Israeli troops deployed at the northeastern edge of the city, taking advantage of conditions on the ground. DEBKAfile's military sources report a heavy exchange of fire ensued, lasting for more than an hour before Israeli artillery and helicopter gunships drove the Palestinians back inside the town. Hamas hit back at the Israeli troops fighting in Gaza since Saturday night, Jan. 1, in order to negotiate a ceasefire in Cairo from a position of strength. Imad al-Alami, Hamas' senior operations officer and its most important military figure, was sent to Cairo. To further show they were not cowed, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza threatened to bring out its long-range rockets and launch them against Rehovot, Rishon Lezion and Tel Aviv, key cities of Israel's heartland, if the Israeli offensive persisted. With this spreading menace in mind, the Homeland Command ordered warning sirens tested in areas north of the currently targeted stretch of country - almost as far as Jerusalem. During the day, Hamas battled Israeli troops manning the Netzarim line which cuts the Gaza Strip in two. Military sources report that Israel has taken 80 Hamas combatants prisoner. Behind the bravado, Hamas is casting about for ways to halt the Israeli military offensive, which is why it finally bowed to Egyptian pressure to discuss a ceasefire after repeated refusals. This does not mean that the way to a ceasefire will be quick or easy. The Palestinian extremists believe they have two weeks to play with for bettering terms and are counting on gaining three advantages: 1. IDF will hold back from sending troops deep inside build-up areas of Gaza City and the surrounding refugee camps. 2. By dragging the bargaining up until the Jan. 20, Barack Obama will replace George W. Bush in the White House. Hamas is counting on him being tougher on Israel than his predecessor. Hamas expects him to summon a UN Security Council resolution ordering both sides to accept an immediate unconditional ceasefire. Hamas will then be absolved from accepting Egypt's terms. DEBKAfile's Washington sources say that this expectation is unrealistic. 3. International pressure on Israel to halt hostilities is expected to build up following French president Nicolas Sarkozy's arrival in Jerusalem Monday night, when he again urged Israel for the second time in two weeks to accept a "humanitarian ceasefire." DEBKAfile's Jerusalem sources disclose that Israeli leaders rebuffed him on an immediate ceasefire, but left open the possibility of a corridor out of Gaza for injured Palestinians.Hamas counter-attacks Israeli troops on Gaza City boundary, threatens to rocket Tel Aviv
Monday, 5 January 2009
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Britannia Radio