DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Report January 26, 2009, 5:53 PM (GMT+02:00) Advanced US X-band radar station installed in Negev Following orders from Tehran, the Palestinian Hamas used the cover of the 22-day Gaza conflict to aim rockets at the American Forward-Based X-band Transportable (FBX-T) anti-missile radar system lodged at Israel's big Nevatim air base east of the Negev capital Beersheba, DEBKA-Net-Weekly disclosed. Destruction of the FBX-T, which was installed last November to intercept incoming Iranian Shehab-3 ballistic missiles, would have crowned Hamas' offensive with success. But they missed. DEBKAfile Exclusive Report January 25, 2009, 9:15 PM (GMT+02:00) Iranian freighter for smuggling arms to Hamas The Iranian ship boarded by a US Navy Coast Guard team on the Red Sea last week before it could smuggle arms to Hamas is now disclosed by DEBKAfile's military sources to have tried to trick the search team by enclosing its rocket cargo in secret compartments behind layers of steel. The Americans decided not to give the Israeli Navy a chance to seize the vessel and tow it to Eilat for fear of an Israel-Iranian clash. Hamas wartime rockets missed US anti-Iranian missile radar near Beersheba
More...Iranian arms ship intercepted by US warship has sealed secret holds
Monday, 26 January 2009
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Britannia Radio