High-Tech Marxism Comes to America
Deep down, most Americans once thought they were immune from blatant propaganda, government-sanctioned media-bias and psychiatric hospitals-cum-prisons hallmarks of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich and Josef Stalin’s Communism. Such confidence is shifting as folks increasingly fear speaking their mind on schools campuses, on the job, in houses of worship and public places. Worse, a metastasizing mental health industry has convinced government leaders that “nonprofessionals” especially parents are unqualified to make decisions on behalf of children. Average Americans find themselves intimidated by bureaucracies ranging from Child Protective Services to universities to the Environmental Protection Agency......
by Beverly Eakman
Obama Health Plan Poses Danger to American Freedoms
But even proponents of Obama's plan have mentioned that ensuring the privacy of patients' records in a nationalized computer network will be tricky. There are obvious concerns about hackers and system failures. And new online health record systems, such as Google Health are not currently subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the national health privacy law......
by NWV News
The traitors in Congress
When Senators and Representatives are elected to service their fellow Americans in Washington, DC, they take an oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath ends with “So help me.....
by Lynn Stuter
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
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Britannia Radio