I phoned and had that 'bit of a chat' mentioned below, and was left in no
doubt that this campaign is well worth supporting. No 'party politics' and
no divisive anti/pro EU passions to cloud the issue .. And that issue is
simply proper effective democracy and how it can be restored to Britain.
The campaign is powerfully simple.
Go and have a look and please forward to all lists and distribute widely.
xxxxxxxxxxx j
'We campaign for a political system that will allow the people of Britain to
initiate legislation and hold referendums on their own proposals, as the
Swiss have done for over 150 years. The system will work at every level of
government. We combine this with a political reform process that will enable
us to create, through democratic processes, a political system that works.
How we get this into place is the interesting part.
At the next general election we will be campaigning in the key marginals,
the few seats that actually change hands. We will be asking the floating
voters, the people who actually decide the outcome of the election because
they are the ones who switch sides, to demand this system in return for
these vital votes. We will be asking them to sign a pledge stating that they
will not vote for any party that will not give us the right to initiate and
have referendums.
It will probably surprise you to learn that there are only 12,000 of them,
but they have absolute power over the political system on election day. Any
political party that wants to win must have the votes of those floating
voters in those key marginals, nobody else matters. Whichever party goes for
it first wins, the other party loses badly. It's the 'Prisoners Dilemma'
from game theory. We aim to use the threat of this to get all party
agreement to these changes long before the election.
We are going to use the power these people have to demand the right to
decide how we are governed as well as who governs us. Using the initiative
and referendum process combined with a constitutional reform process, we can
then redesign our political systems in ways that will enable us to solve the
problems we face.
If you would like to know more about the campaign please have a look at our
website, http://www.campaign
It's a very unusual campaign so it's usually good to have a bit of a chat
about it, so please feel free to get in touch with me either by email,
The attachments explain the potential of the campaign. I normally send out
some leaflets, booklets and other information to give to your group so that
you can get a better idea of what we do, and I would be happy to send you
some if you could provide me with an address.'
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio