Is There a Right Wing Extremist Under Your Bed?
Iain Dale 3:24 PM
This is a Google Ad being run on right of centre websites and blogs by the Metropolitan Police. I wonder if they are also running ones headed LEFT WING EXTREMIST... or perhaps MUSLIM ETREMIST ... or perhaps COMMUNIST SYYMPATHISER? I doubt it, because the left would be up in arms. However, it is somehow acceptable to go after people who can be dubbed 'Right Wing Extremist'. Some on the left would no doubt be quite happy to put me into this category.
Click on the link and you go to THIS page which concerns itself almost exclusively with anti terrorism measures. So why use the term "Right Wing"? Probably because it will get onto a lot of sites that way, and the media consistently use the term "right wing" or "conservative" to describe terror movements, even when they have nothing at all in common with conservatism whatsoever.
It is no crime to hold extremist views, whether on the left or right. It only becomes a crime when you break the law. These ads are McCarthyite in tone and have no place in a democratic society. They should be withdrawn immediately.
Hattip: Ianvisits
Sunday, 4 January 2009
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Britannia Radio