Is Tom Hanks Un-American?
I reject the transparently hypocritical, disingenuous, ludicrous claim of Tom Hanks that Mormons are un-American for supporting Proposition 8. A plurality of Californians across all religions, races, and ethnicities decided that marriage must be preserved as a union between one man and one woman........
by Marc Rudov
TX., D.O.T. Plays Opossum Over TTC
On January 6, 2009, The Dallas Morning News carried a headline which read “Trans Texas Corridor is dead, TxDot says.” The article went on to report, “The Texas Department of Transportation announced this morning that it has officially killed the Trans Texas Corridor, saying that despite the project’s visionary aspects, it is clearly not the choice of Texans.”.......
by Tom DeWeese
The Big Money Behind Geithner
But many members of the inside-the-beltway media are. As Michael Lind, a fellow at the New America Foundation once noted, journalists do not oppose illegal immigration because they benefit from it. He noted that journalists belong to an affluent class in America that employs immigrant maids, nannies and gardeners........
by Cliff Kincaid
FDA Pulls DMSA and Hope from Children with Autism and ADHD
Random acts of violence are usually considered methods of the weak, but a long history of FDA political violence directed against public health safety and our freedom to obtain dietary supplements reveals something more calculated and oppressive. The results of FDA actions are obvious: Our right to choose safe health care alternatives and abstain from questionable medical practices is increasingly met with fierce opposition. The consequences are equally obvious as we helplessly witness a relative epidemic of Autism Spectrum Disorder.......
by Dr. Stephen C. L'Hommedieu
Saturday, 17 January 2009
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Britannia Radio