Monday, 19 January 2009

Labour councillor used pseudonym to praise own work
"A councillor came under fire today for using a pseudonym to praise 
his own work. Ben Grower posted comments under several aliases on the 
Daily Echo's website. But the newspaper in Bournemouth, Dorset, 
decided to name and shame the councillor after he posted praise for 
himself under the name Omegaman. In one post about plans to build 
Europe's first artificial surf reef in Boscombe, the Labour 
councillor wrote: "At least two councillors seem to be concerned 
about this mess. Well done Cllrs Ratcliffe and Grower." - 
Independent  14.1.09
Czech art spoof sparks EU outrage
As if the Russian gas crisis and war in Gaza were not headache 
enough, the Czech Republic, which took over the rotating EU 
presidency at the start of the year, has been landed with a cultural 
Sited prominently in the headquarters of the EU Council in Brussels, 
a work of art - which was designed to demolish national stereotypes 
by mocking them - has caused diplomatic outrage. Not only that, the 
piece turns out to be the work of a single Czech artist despite being 
been billed as the collaborative effort of all 27 member states.   
(FT 15.1.09)
"Enough idle crystal ball-gazing: here's one prediction that's being 
backed by millions of pounds.  Hedge funds are betting on a 
disintegration of the eurozone, and specifically that Greece, Italy, 
Spain and Portugal will pull out of the Single 
Currency".                Louise Armitstead  - Sunday Telegraph, Jan 4th
What the climate alarmists say about climate
I just came across a web-site with some extraordinary examples of 
what green activists are saying about climate change.  One example to 
whet your appetite: Sir John Houghton, first Chairman of the IPCC, 
said "Unless we announce disasters, no one will listen".  Indeed.  
And they've been announcing disasters ever since.  (Roger Helmer 
MEP's 'Straight Talking")

1. I promise to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs.
2. I promise ointerest rates will be high for savers and low for 
3. I promise to bale out the banks again, after my totally successful 
baling out of them last year.
4. I promise to make more promises than ever before
The year of our Lord Mandelson 2009
(Private Eye 1237)
The historic interview that gripped the whole world

Epic encounter in which media hot-shot Andrew Marr ruthlessly sucks 
up to the old discredited leader Gordon Brown finally getting him to 
confess to nothing at all.
Don't miss the incredible scene where Marr pushes Brown to admit that 
he is absolutely brilliant and has saved the world from financial 

Rushbridge Green   +  Mulholland North  +  Hutton Park  +  Keegan West
(Private Eye 1237)
Middle East Crisis
WHERE IS BLAIR ?  asks nobody
By Our Man in Gaza  Chris Gunnfire
As the crisis in the middle east escalated yesterday, one question 
was on nobody's lips.  Where is the man who was goping to bring peace 
to that troubled region through his intensive round of non-stop after-
dinner speeches in China, former prime minister, Tony Blair?

Said one Palestinian spokesman, speaking from his pile of rubble, "We 
deeply appreciate all the work Tony is doing for his bank in New 
York, but we wonder if he could spare just a couple of minutes   
(cont - p94)
(Private Eye 1237)
Threat to gas facility as salt demand wanes
Timetable for construction of storage is in question as slowing 
demand for mineral means fewer depleted mines available  (Times 19.1.09)
But we can't store the gas unless we eat more salt and eating more 
salt is now forbidden by Nanny  so no more gas ?  -cs
FROM" Private Eye 9-22.1.09  "OLD ANATOLE'S ALMANACK"  - -

" Each year in my last Economic View before Christmas I try to shed 
some light on ecobonic events of the previous 12 months by comparing 
what has actually happened with expectations published here in early 
January.  This year, even more than usual, reading back through 
January's predictions has been a shock.  Almost all have turned out 
to be wrong." - ANATOLE KALETZSKY , Times, 18 December 2006

" My last article of every year looks back on the predictions I made 
in early January to shed some light on the economic and financial 
events of the previous 12 months.. This tends to be a humbling 
experience, and this year is is even more so than usual."   - ANATOLE 
KALETZSKY , Times, 31 December 2007

" In the  last Economic View every year, I look back at what I 
predicted in early January  to try to shed some light on the events 
of the previous 12 months.. This is nearly always  a humbling 
experience ... This year, however, the routinely  humbling experience 
has turned into a ritual humiliation .  How  else can I describe the 
public confession that I am now compelled to make: I herby confess 
than on or about 14 January 2008, acting of my own free will, not 
under the influence of any drug, and aware of the consequences of my 
actions, I wrote the following statements in The Times:  "The global 
credit crisis, far from taking a turn for the worse, is now almost 
over"   and  "There will be no US recession" and  "Stock markets 
around the world will rise in 2008"
I must apologise to anyone misled by my analysis"    - ANATOLE 
KALETZSKY , Times, 29 December 2008

[ I givet his to explain why I do not give the econmic reports in The 
Times  the prominence one would have expected - cs]