Monday, 26 January 2009

Lawmakers Seek New Gun Legislation: Ammo Control Laws
"It is clearly no secret, many in our government would like to see America disarmed. Our government has authored books mapping out a strategy on how to do just that. Simply look back in history to see what happened after people lost their arms and ability to defend themselves,".......
by NWV News

Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later
No one could seriously contend that America should or could dispense with all constitutional government, simply because some of the voters, or the politicians who stand for election, or those individuals elected or appointed to public office might possibly, or even would be likely to, neglect, fail to carry out, or refuse outright to perform their civic duties. Of course various Members of Congress, Presidents, Justices of the Supreme Court, Governors and Legislators in the States, and other officials might “go bad”. To one degree or another, some.......
by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Ph.D., JD

Great Depression is Wrong Model For Bailout
Pundits are calling our current economic crisis the worst recession yet with a potential of being as bad as the Great Depression. Our leaders are responding with the same tactics we have always used to combat recession, easing credit and increasing government spending to stimulate consumption. These tactics were originally developed by FDR in combating the Great Depression. So far, all they have done is resurrect FDR’s New Deal. At a cost of trillions, it is hoped that will save the day. The difficulty is that this is not the Great Depression. It is far.......
by Attorney Jack Swift

The Rockefeller Plan, Part 4
Toward the end of the Reagan presidency, the Rockefeller Foundation partially funded The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change (1987). In this book, author Arthur S. Miller explained that “the old order is crumbling,… [and] a new vision is required to plan and manage the future, a global vision that will transcend national boundaries and eliminate the poison of nationalistic ‘solutions’.”.......
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D

Trauma, Transformation, Tragedy for America
Six years slipped into memory since I reported on Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm’s famous Washington, DC speech, “How to Destroy America.” He presented it to a stunned audience at a Federation for American Immigration Reform in October 2003. ( Since that time, someone translated the speech into German, French and possibly Dutch. It rolls around the Internet with regularity as I see it arrive at my computer in various forms. Often, my byline somehow.......
by Frosty Wooldridge