Monday, 19 January 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ramos And Compean Have Sentences Commuted by Bush

Well, it certainly took him long enough.

Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were US border patrol agents who made the bad mistake of actually trying to do their jobs and stop a Mexican drug dealer from entering the country illegally.In the course of doing that, they shot and wounded him, believing he was armed.

This, of course did not sit well with the Bush Administration and its open borders policy, so the two agents were viciously prosecuted and convicted for assault with a dangerous weapon, serious bodily injury, violation of civil rights, and obstruction of justice, the last ludicrous charge which was later overturned on appeal because their supervisors were actually on the scene when the incidents occurred.

They received ten year sentences, while the drug dealer, Osvaldo Aldrete Davila was actually given a special pass to cross the border back and forth legally whenever he chose because he was a federal witness. During one of those trips,he was caught again with a load of drugs bound for America but never prosecuted for it.

Ramos and Compean lost their freedom, their jobs and their federal benefits and pensions. Their families were bankrupted by their loss of earnings for the two years they spent rotting in jail - on top of the onerous legal fees

The two border patrol agents were given such harsh sentences as an 'example' to any of their fellow agents who were thinking of doing more than going through the motions on the job, and a number of them resigned afterwards.

It should be noted that Bush did not pardon Ramos and Compean. He merely commuted the balance of their sentences. They still remain convicted felons, with all that entails.

It's worth noting that the 'compassionate conservative' has been notably stingy when it comes to executive clemency. Bush has granted a total of 189 pardons and 11 commutations, fewer than half as many as Presidents Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan issued during their two-term tenures. And according to the White House, there won't be any more of them, which means Scooter Libby and Michael Milkin are out of luck, and Jonathan Pollard will continue to rot in jail. And come to think of it, there's something these guys have in common, isn't there?

I can't say it's unexpected. Even Ramos and Compean likely got their sentences commuted because virtually the entire bi-partisan Texas congressional delegation and a number of other prominent politicians leaned on the current occupant of the White House for clemency.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

HUGE Natural Gas Find In Israel

Israel has discovered a huge natural gas deposit about 90 kilometers off of its shores in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Conservative estimates put a value on the discovery of at the very least at $27 billion. Not only is it capable of meeting all of Israel's natural gas needs for decades, but it has the potential of changing the entire economic and strategic situation in the Middle East. Israel now is a high tech, highly developed country that is resource poor but has depended on the ingenuity of its people - its human resources - to move its economy. One can only imagine what Israel will be able to do with energy wealth in the same league as the Arabs.

For instance, given the way Russia has been playing cat and mouse with Europe using Russia's control of gas supplies, we might just see the EU discovering a new found love for Jews and Israel as Israel develops into an alternative source for them..just as a coincidence, I'm sure.

And we might also see American energy companies and even politicians kowtowing to Israel the way they've kowtowed to the Arabs for years.

Presently, Israel buys a great deal of its natural gas from Egypt, which badly needs the revenue. Once this field is developed,they will not need to...which will also affect the relationship between the two countries.

Israel..Caught In The Crossfire

Courtney Love On Jew Lawyers And Bankers...

You remember Courtney Love, don'tcha? Yeah, the heroin-addled moronwho still apparently gets paid to be an 'artist', or at least for having been married to one?

Now that Jew-hating is fashionable again, Love decided that she'd weigh in to get a few headlines and get right in on the trend:

Love, whose mother is Jewish but who describes herself as Buddhist, says of ex-husband Kurt Cobain's legacy: "Every time you buy a Nirvana record, part of that money is not going to Kurt's child, or to me, it's going to a handful of Jew loan officers, Jew private banks, it's going to lawyers who are also bankers . . ."

Nice to know she's giving up some Nirvana royalties to help support Israel..or did I miss something?

What a pathetic train wreck of a human being....

Hamas Continues To Fire Rockets At Israel As IDF Starts Withdrawal Under Fire

As I predicted, the IDF is already starting its retreat under fire as Hamas continues to fire rockets at Israel at readies its troops to take over the Israeli positions.

Last night and this morning, 15 Hamas rockets hit Ashdod, Ashkelon and Sderot, injuring five Israelis.Hamas leader Mussa Abu Marzuk in Damascus gave Israel an ultimatum, saying that the IDF has one week to withdraw all its forces and open all the border crossings in exchange for 'quiet', something that essentially means that things will return to the status quo with rockets fired at Israel now and then. Hamas has not committed to a real ceasefire and were very plain that its war with Israel will continue.

Israel's security chief Major-General Amos Yadlin predicted that while the missile attacks may lessen while Hamas replenishes its arsenal, Hamas will likely continue its war using 'unconventional tactics' such as homicide bombers within Israel.

A number of European leaders from the UK, France, Germany, Spain and the Czech Republic are visiting Israel and Egypt today. Hosni Mubarak, president of Egypt reiterated to them that Egypt does not consider itself bound by the vague Memorandum of Understanding on arms smuggling signed by Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni and US secretary of state Condi Rice. Egypt is not committing to assisting in any kind of control of Iranian weapons heading into the Gaza Strip, will not allow any foreign monitors to operate on Egyptian soil and is insisting that all border crossings be opened immediately - except, of course, the Egyptian border fence controlling traffic from Gaza to Egypt.

The European leaders are reportedly pressuring Israel to open the border crossings to Gaza unconditionally to allow so-called humanitarian aid and construction materials into Gaza as part of the $1.6 billion package they have planned for the Strip. If Israel agrees, as they probably will, a lot of that construction material will go to rebuild Hamas bunkers and fortified tunnels.

Europe has essentially chosen to aid a genocidal terrorist faction in its war against Israel.