Tuesday 6 January 2009

More things which may have been overlooked - - -

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Tesco already selling Easter Eggs
Shoppers at a Tesco store were stunned to see Easter eggs on sale - 
four days after Christmas. Customers burst out laughing as staff put 
out "Easter Treats" displays of daffodils and chocolate goodies on 
Monday. Stephen Roland, 31, said:
"I couldn't believe it. Selling 
Easter eggs three or four days after Christmas is ludicrous - 
particularly when Easter is in April next year.
(The Sun 31/12./08)
Tony Blair "jokes" that the economic boom was "luck"
"Tony Blair has risked infuriating Gordon Brown by joking that the 
economic boom during his spell as Chancellor was down to luck.
The PM 
is unlikely to see the funny side of his predecessor's quip made to 
students in America. Mr Blair told students at Yale University where 
he lectures: "We had ten years of record growth when I was PM. I 
have, unfortunately, come to the conclusion it was luck."   (The Sun 
"Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act show agency 
staff at some NHS organisations get rates equivalent to salaries of 
up to £366,000 a year.
The data also reveal the high fees charged by 
agencies to source workers for the NHS. Shadow health secretary 
Andrew Lansley slammed the rates, saying: "Labour's dithering and 
chaotic, short-term planning has let down NHS staff. "It's incredible 
that agency staff can be paid such high hourly rates when jobs are 
being cut at the same time."" -
(Sky News  3/1/09)
Simon Heffer: We mustn't join the euro
"The riots in Greece last month show what happens in countries where 
you can't vote to change the economic policy. Taking to the streets 
is the only recourse open to nations that can't devalue, and where 
the burden of debt is suffocating the economy. It isn't just 
happening in poor countries like Greece, either.
Italy, which 
statistics tell us is to have a higher GDP than ours this year, 
remains in the euro only by having every available rule bent to keep 
it there. In France, hyper-active President Sarkozy is watching much 
of his domestic industries forced to the verge of bankruptcy."
(Simon Heffer in The Telegraph   3.1.09)
David Cameron, George Osborne and Owen Paterson feature alongside 
Barack Obama in the world's top ten of sexiest politicians -
( Daily Record   3/1/09)
IF it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, call it a duck.
That's an old saying the governors of Sheffield's Watercliffe Meadow 
school should take to heart.

Because under their laughable politically correct regime, their 
school must not be called a school. It's a "place for learning".
Its headteacher - if we're still allowed to call her that - reckons 
"school" has negative connotations for many parents. She wants to 
bring the place "closer to real life".
Real life? On which planet?    (The Sun Says   3/1/08)
EU Regulations make farmers store animal waste over winter
Cries of 'Pooh; what's that smell?" wioll become more cpmmonplace as 
new EU  pollution regulations that require farmers to store animal 
waste over the autumn and winter. 
The [NFU warns] that those 
familiar 'country smells' caused when slurry  is spread on fields 
will become more concentrated  as the waste niw has tro be stored 
from October to mid January and then spread in greater volumes.
"It's going to make the countryside smellier" said the NFU's head of 
Policy Service.    (Telegraph   6.1.09)
Salman Rushdie ( the writer) now regularly receives "Lifetime
Achievement" awards.
He said "Recently I was presented with the Gold Medal by the 
Historical Society of Trinity College Dublin. It is a very beautiful 
medal with a bas relief on it and so forth.
But when I opened the 
box, there was this silver medal inside. I was slightly disappointed 
and said, "Oh, so this is the silver medal." "No, no" they said, 
"This is the gold medal - we just make it out of silver".      That's 
definitely my favourite prize."
(Sunday Telegraph "Seven" 4 January)
Polluting farmers begin the dirty work of counting up their cow-pats
Down on the fasrm the EU wants farmers to start the New Year with at 
least one resolution: counting cow-pats. 
Such nonsense will come as 
no surprise to farmers who are all too familiar with weird and 
wonderful edicts from  Brussels.  DEFRA has also been busy preparing 
farmers for the big day  - no doubt the job ads for pooh-density and 
defecating standards inspectors have already circulated an d the 
flood of applications from former city bankers received.    [nitrate 
levels in water are worrying the eurocrats!]
(Telegraph   6.1.09)