More things which may have been overlooked - - -
Your country's sex industry needs you
The idea that Harriet Harman might seize the commanding heights of
the British bedroom is too awful to contemplate [web headline - I
didn't dare look -cs] (Times 20.1.09)
Workers on long-term sick leave should still get paid holiday,
European judges rule
Staff who are off work sick for long periods of time will get paid
holiday after an important ruling by European judges. (Telegraph
[Don't they know the world is in crisis? More firms to go bust]
"A friend, who is a member of the Labour Party, received an email the
other day from Alistair Darling, the Chancellor, detailing his latest
botched attempts to save the banking sector. Curiously, it came with
a warning: "This email may be a scam." You can say that again."
(Andrew Pierce Telegraph 23.1.09)
Harriet Harman decided to attack Tory Alan Duncan's oil trader
background, his sharp suits, even his cufflinks.
But he hit back with the wonderfully caustic description of the
Commons Leader: "a gentle flower of the aristocracy who has so
aggressively embraced the working class"
Town hauls
In the cloud-cuckoo world of Town Halls, the recession operates in
MORE staff are hired on HIGHER wages.
The number of middle managers on over £50,000 is up 22 percent.
Many of these posts are absurd non-jobs created by empire-building
No wonder council tax is rising by three times inflation.
(Sun 23.1.09)
Brown is like an arsonist posing as a firefighter
The Prime Minister's latest wheeze to tackle the financial crisis has
only made things worse, says Norman Lamont (Sunday Telegraph 25/1/09)
Own up if you're on the gravy train
"I do hope that the police will investigate very closely whether the
four peers in this week's sleaze allegations have any case to answer
in law, and that, if they do, prosecutions will follow. Things are
bad enough now, without people going into politics in any capacity in
order to make money. But one distinguished and honest peer reminds me
that, as well as various of his brethren not declaring their
financial interests when asking questions in the Upper House, there
is actually no obligation on one group of peers to do even that.
They are the ones who have worked in Brussels for the EU, who sit on
vast pensions paid by that corrupt organisation, and who get up and
speak on the wonders of the European dream without ever acknowledging
their close interest in keeping the whole charade going. In any
reform that might now take place, forcing such people, in debates on
European questions, to admit for the record their own ticket on the
gravy train seems to me absolutely essential." (Simon Heffer
Telegraph 31.1.09)
Let's just name a few. I won't attempt to name them all - readers
can supply some more !
There's Lords Kinnock and Patten and Brittan for a start and most
recently Mandelson, whose very presence in the House of Lords demeans
that place. Those three are just the ex-Commissioners -cs
Thousands of people have taken part in a demonstration in
Vladivostok, in the Russian Far East, as part of a day of protest
over the nation's mounting economic crisis. The opposition Communist
Party is holding a rally in Moscow and protests are also expected in
St Petersburg and other towns and cities. (BBC 31.1.09)
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio