Much my astonishment, I recently received an invitation from an EU front organisation, Involve, to take part in the European Citizens Consultation scheduled for 2009. The temptation was irresistible.
This is my reply:
Mr E Andersson
Deputy Director
Dear Mr Andersson
I was astonished to receive your letter inviting me to take part in the European Citizens Consultation scheduled for 2009. I can only assume you sent this to all MEPs regardless of their political views. I also assume Margot Wallstrom omitted to delete my name from your list.
However, since I now have the invitation, I write to accept. I am available at any time for interviews with the media or other groups interested in learning more about the purpose, credibility and cost of the European Parliament as a part of the European Unionâ?Ts system of unitary government.
At any time you or your staff may call me when a media interview opportunity arises.
I also accept your invitations to the national consultations on March 21 and 22 in London and to the European Summit in Brussels on May 10 and 11.
The answer to your question â?oWhat should Europe do to shape our social and economic future in a globalised worldâ? is as follows:
Europe is a geographical area. Presumably this question refers to the European Union as a unitary system of government. As such it has already had a profoundly damaging effect on the national identity, cultural integrity and economic wellbeing of the United Kingdom. The EUâ?Ts boast of being a â?~Union in diversityâ?T is in reality a system of national dilution and standardisation, regardless of the consequences on specific communities.
If continental Europeans wish to govern themselves in this way, that is a matter for them. For us Brits it is utterly unacceptable. In 1975 we voted to stay in a â?~common marketâ?T. If the Irish can be obliged to vote again on the Lisbon Treaty, the British must have a similar freedom to vote again on what has become membership of a neo-totalitarian system of government.
Meanwhile the European Union should stand aside as the best means of avoiding more damaging globalisation.
Your letter says that my answer to your question will be posted on the national website. I trust this commitment will be honoured in full.
I shall also be delighted to engage in online conversations with members of the public, whether they agree or disagree with my views. You should also refer them to my website for more information about my work as an MEP committed to the UK restoring its right as a sovereign nation to govern itself within the wider international community.
Ashley Mote MEP
Footnote: To be fair to Involve, my comments are indeed on their website, unsurprisingly with carefully programmed rebuttals following.
Action Stations: Perhaps you also might like to offer postings on their website, and offer to attend the meetings.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio