No, we don't have a new president
The A-list stars from Hollywood were out in full regalia to celebrate history: the first African American president. Barack Hussein Obama aka and so forth, is the first mulatto to run for president, but he is not the 44th president. He is an usurper who has committed a horrible fraud on our nation. Someone or a number of people knew years ago that his citizenship would become an issue and began greasing the skids to pull off this fraud.......
by Devvy Kidd
Raw Deal For Ramos and Compean
When Sutton issued an arrest warrant for the agents, Ramos and Compean were not given the courtesy of surrendering to their supervisors in the US Border Patrol, or even quietly to US Marshals. Sutton arranged for simultaneous SWAT teams to stage assaults on their homes, deliberately traumatizing their families and very deliberately sending a message to every Border Patrol agent that attempting to arrest those who violate our borders has a horrible price.......
by Jon Christian Ryter
More Black Than Christian
Here is the sad truth that I feel compelled to share with you today. The self-identified black Christians that we interacted with on the streets of Washington were more black than they were Christian. To put it another way, their loyalty was to Obama rather than to Jesus......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Stop Immigration For Our Survival
If you asked the people of Lewiston, they mutter under their breaths and complain at every restaurant and bar that their town and way of life suffered destruction by a foreign invasion. Somalian immigrants have nothing in common nor do they assimilate. They’ve simply taken over. Lewiston’s schools suffer disruption that has downgraded education for American kids while Somalians usurp exploded welfare rolls. Those Somalians implement their own culture, language and customs onto Lewiston. So much so, many citizens have moved away........
by Frosty Wooldridge
Thursday, 22 January 2009
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Britannia Radio