Obama Appoints Biotech Industriess’ Tom Vilsack as Agriculture Secretary
"Vilsack is one of us 'folks' with deep Iowa roots. The question is: Does Vilsack get marching orders from common, concerned citizens or the four horsemen of the Big Ag gravy wagon: Dupont, Monsanto, ADM, Cargill?" asked OCA's Jill Richardson........
by NWV News
Ignoring the solutions won't fix the problems
Record numbers of Americans are finally coming to the conclusion that this country is in big trouble. I've been writing for well over a decade that it was just a matter of time until all the programs were implemented and the economy crashes that the shadow government will finally make their move. The house of fiat currency would finally burn itself out and you and I would be left holding the smoking ruins while the banker barons end up with the fruits of our labor. Barack Hussein Obama is the chosen one to head up the final phase.....
by Devvy Kidd
A Subtle Inhumanity
This will be my second Christmas spent with my adoptive parents and ... well ... I'm the luckiest man I know. I won't go on again about the pathetic soap opera of my natural parents. I'm now with my beloved "Mamma and Poppy Joe" in Italy. For all that "luck," I thank God ... and Alcoholics Anonymous.......
by Award Winning Actor, Michael Moriarty
Media Complicit in Creating Economic Crisis
Seventy-seven percent of Americans believe that the US media is making the economic situation worse by projecting fear into people's minds. The majority of those surveyed feel that the financial press, by focusing on and embellishing negative news, is damaging consumer confidence and dampening investment, making a difficult situation much worse. The poll was conducted via telephone, December 4 - 7........
by Jim Kouri, CCP
Saturday, 3 January 2009
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Britannia Radio