Thursday, 15 January 2009

PRIVATE EYE 1227    9-23.1.09

Brussels Sprouts
Yet more phoney guarantees by Brussels to the Irish have been exposed 
- this time by the National Platform EU Research and Information Centre.

In their desperation to get the Irish to vote again for the same 
constitutional treaty they rejected (now renamed Lisbon), EU leaders 
have deluded the Irish into believing the new treaty would guarantee 
them an EU Commissioner  in Brussels, who, they claimed, would have 
been taken away under the old Nice Treaty.

But the EU Research Centre’s director, Anthony Coughlan, reveals that 
it is actually the new Lisbon Treaty that plans to take away the 
commissioners from member states.  Says Coughlan: “It is the  Lisbon 
Treaty which proposes a reduction of one-third from 2014.  What Nice 
provides for is a reduction in the size of the Commission by an 
unspecified number from 2009 .... to be agreed unanimously.”  However 
he explained that since such unanimity was unlikely the current 
situation would remain if Lisbon were not ratified and all member 
states would keep their commissioners.

The Centre also exposed false claims that the Irish could choose 
their commissioner under the Lisbon Treaty, when, in fact, the 
decision would be made by the Commission’s president, with the help 
of l;arger member states.   “What is the value of every EU member 
state continuing to have one of its nationals on the EU Commission 
under Lisbon  ... of member state governments can no longer decide 
who that person will be “, aasks Coughlan.

Have our leaders forgotten how to read or are they just lying?


European Central Bank Spokesman: “We gladly support Gordon Brown’s 
rescue plan”

(Translation) “Hopefully it will be such a disaster the Brits will 
finally have to join the euro”