Saturday, January 10, 2009
US Islamo Encouraged by Liberal Media
The liberal media are effectively encouraging pro-Hamas Muslim protesters to vandalize synagogues, assault Jews and shout neo-Nazi slogans by deliberately downplaying these alarming and unprecedented developments.
News executives at CNN and MSNBC, networks that are clearly sympathetic to Hamas, have quietly let it be known that the above-referenced incidents are not "newsworthy." Producers and reporters are discouraged from focusing on the Islamo-Nazi menace.Jewish Self-Defense Units Forming in US
Dateline USA....
Liberal idiocy and insane immigration policies have created a Muslim Fifth Column--and a nightmare for the American Jewish community. Jewish Institutions and individuals are threatened wherever there are large Muslim populations. No Jewish school or synagogue is safe. The police are almost powerless until it is too late....
Fortunately, liberal gun-control fanatics have not--yet--succeeded in disarming the American people. So increasing numbers of American Jews are arming themselves, training with handguns and other weapons, and organizing rapid-response self-defense units. Many units are active in Florida; but New York, which is home to the largest Jewish community, is a disaster. The city has the nation's strictest gun control laws; effectively, only cops and criminals carry guns in the Big Apple.
Time is of the essence. The new Democratic Congress and incoming Democratic administration are avowed enemies of lawful gun ownership and self-defense. The Democrats are also increasingly sympathetic to Muslim demands for special privileges and separate spaces--in the name of tolerance and pluralism. Twisted but true.
China Confidential analysts expect Islamist terrorist front groups to take full advantage of the changing atmosphere. An increase in Muslim violence is likely--ranging from attacks by Muslim individuals and gangs to large-scale assaults by Muslim terrorists following the Mumbai model.100,000 MUSLIMS STORM LONDON
Foreign Confidential....
The Daily Mail reports:Violent clashes occurred between police and around 20,000 protesters outside the Israeli Embassy in London - with an estimated 100,000 protesters airing their views around the city.
Windows were smashed and policemen were injured - with one officer knocked unconscious in the running battles and two requiring treatment for facial injuries.
The protesters - mainly young men - knocked down barriers threw missiles including eggs, red paint, sticks and shoes as 300 officers in full riot gear tried to maintain the peace.
There were reports that some protesters had tried to set fire to police vans.
The violence, which broke out in front of the Israeli Embassy, appeared to be led by a hard-core of masked and hooded youths.
A national demonstration against Israel's attack marched from Speakers' Corner at Hyde Park today to the Israeli embassy in High Street Kensington.
It was estimated there were around 100,000 protesters in total across London, including the Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park and Kensington protests.
Demonstrators let off fireworks outside the Israeli Embassy in London as they call for the fighting in the Gaza region to stop
Blood can be seen on the outside of Starbucks, with windows were smashed, and the inside was extensively damaged
There was a heavy police presence lining the route taken by the protesters.
Chanting "Free, free Palestine," the crowd was led through the streets of London by a vocal group of largely young men.
A Starbucks coffee shop in the area was stripped of chairs and had its front windows smashed, and protestors also removed fittings from the shop.
Residents living in flats above watched the scenes from their windows, and many people pleaded with police to let them out of the cordon.
At one point, the protesters were seen to throw shoes at mounted police posted in the Notting Hill area.
The march ground to a halt outside the Israeli embassy as tens of thousands of people surged past carrying placards.
At a number of points, officers asked some of the noisier and more enthusiastic protesters to 'calm down'.
There was pushing and shoving between protesters and police in riot gear outside the embassy building.
Demonstrators chanted noisily and tossed shoes over the heads of the police ranks towards the embassy.
Click below for raw video of the rioters attacking the Starbucks store.Muslim Mobs Menace Jewish Communities
European Attacks Recall Jabotinsky's Pre-War Warning of Looming DisasterDateline USA....
Diaspora Jewish communities are again "sitting on the edge of a volcano," in the prophetic, pre-World War II words of the late, great Zionist leader, Vladimir (Ze'ev) Jabotinsky.
The threat of physical violence and intimidation to Jews around the world has not been this serious since the 1930s, owing to a combination of factors, including the rise of radical Islam, OPEC oil wealth, massive Muslim immigration, and liberal tolerance--of terrorism and extremism.
As reported by the indomitable Atlas Shrugs, and as shown in the video below, violence-prone, pro-Hamas and Hezbollah protesters across Europe and the United States are increasingly shouting neo-Nazi slogans, including "Long Live Hitler" and "Put the Jews in Ovens."
In Los Angeles, Islamo-Nazi protesters--who attacked pro-Israel demonstrators outside the Israeli Consulate--shouted those and other slogans, including, revealingly, "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free!"
Click below to view the disturbing video. Toward the end, you can see and hear Muslim youths--in California--calling Jews "fossil fuel."
That merits repetition. Six decades after the end of World War II and the Holocaust and the miraculous rebirth of a Jewish state in the national, religious, and historic homeland of the Jewish people, Muslim mobs ... in America ... are calling for a new Holocaust.
The time to sound the alarm is now, before it is too late for effective action and countermeasures.
As Jabotinsky put it, "Silence is filth."
UPDATE: Vandals defaced three synagogues in Chicago Saturday. Click here for the story.
SHOCKING POSTSCRIPT: U.S. sources say Jimmy Carter's notoriously anti-Israel former National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, has been overheard comparing Jewish support for Israel to Muslim support for Al Qaeda. Brzezinski, who was the father of covert U.S. aid to the Islamist jihad in Afghanistan, which led to the formation of Al Qaeda, reportedly said Jews run the risk of being singled out for persecution for backing Israel just as Muslims sympathetic to Islamist terrorists invite "problems."Bibi Fears Iran Could Smuggle Nukes into Gaza
Foreign Confidential....
Sources in Israel tell China Confidential that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ("Bibi") Netanyahu, whose warnings about the threat posed by Hamas rockets were ignored, now believes that Iran's ultimate intention is to smuggle nuclear warheads into Gaza through the deep and difficult-to-destroy tunnels that link the terrorist-ruled, Palestinian enclave with Egypt.
China Confidential analysts agree that Iran already has enough enriched uranium and the technology and knowhow to manufacture at least one nuclear bomb. The Islamist nation is rapidly approaching a major breakthrough in its nuclear arms program, however. An announcement that will shock the world--and create a crisis for the incoming Obama administration in the United States--is expected next month.
The nuclear news will coincide with Iranian celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution (aided by the catastrophic Carter administration) and will be followed by breakthroughs in Iran's intercontinental ballistic missile program.
China Confidential analysts also agree that Iran is stepping up research and development of sea-borne, concealed (e.g. containerized) launching systems in order to be able to fire nuclear-tipped missiles at U.S. coastal cities from seemingly civilian, foreign-flagged cargo ships. There is no known defense against this type of attack, about which this reporter has written extensively. Iran has successfully test-fired missiles from cargo ships--with the assistance of North Korea. North Korean military and intelligence officers participated in the test.
Back to Gaza. Click here for an in-depth, up-to-the-minute article about the tunnel network. An excerpt follows.Shutting the tunnels by military force alone is likely to be difficult. Israel had only limited success even when it controlled the Gaza Strip. Analysts who have been briefed on Israeli intelligence say the tunnels have become more elaborate in the 3 1/2 years since Israel pulled out of Gaza.
A U.S. government study issued last year reported that Egyptian officials had privately acknowledged that 10 to 30 main tunnel shafts run underneath the border at any one time.
Longer-range, Iranian-made missiles, such as the Grad rockets that struck the Israeli town of Ashkelon in May, are relatively large weapons that could be moved only through tunnels of considerable scale, according to one former Pentagon official. Some of the tunnels are large enough to run rail cars under the border, according to people who have been briefed by Israeli officials, although it's unclear whether rail cars are used.
Wealthy families in Rafah allow either their private homes or rental properties to be used as tunnel openings, which are then rented out to Hamas gunrunners.
"When a tunnel is completed, the primary investor and his/her relatives are entitled to a percentage on every shipment passing through it," according to the 2008 report, compiled by the Congressional Research Service. "Packages of arms and ammunition are pulled by cables and electric motors through the tunnels, which in some places reportedly reach depths of 50 and 60 feet in order to avoid detection."
Abu Mohammed, the Egyptian smuggler, said this week that Israel's airstrikes had damaged as much as 60% of the tunnels, but that the damage could be repaired easily. He said the tunnels range in depth from 39 to 49 feet, and that Israeli missiles can penetrate to a depth of only 24 feet.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Dateline USA....
In LA, Islamo-Nazi Protesters Praise Hitler, Call Jews 'Fossil Fuel'
Posted by
Britannia Radio