What do we want?After the repeal of the EU treaties we want a change to our British Constitution so politicians can never hijack our nation again. Every Parliamentary Bill, after its Second Reading, should come down to us, the people, to vote yes or no as to whether the Queen should give it Royal Assent. This will take power away from our destructive politicians and return it to the people, where it belongs. (They do this in Swtizerland - they, not us, are the most democratic nation on earth.) We can then return to being a peaceable, just, honest, prosperous and fully democratic society where everyone’s rights, no matter how high or low are respected, and the disadvantaged properly looked after. And where neither governments, corporations nor individuals have obscene wealth and power. David Noakes 07974 437 097 ; drjnoakes@yahoo.co.uk Campaign to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act and get clean out. What can you do to help? Our Councillors abolished If the public vote no, they should declare, for their Town or county, UDI from Europe and the illegal actions of our government since 1971, particularly the abolition of our British Constiution, common law, our nation and counties. The press coverage this would generate would force the truth into the open nationally, leading to a national in/out ballot on the EU. Just one council could achieve this fabulous result alone. Download: A summary of the loss of our 48 counties (a WP file) Download: A map of the nine EU regions (.pdf) The Devonport Column, exposing Common Purpose nationally, and corruption in Plymouth. The six treaties are: The best summary of the six treaties is the ConstitutionIt reveals the true nature of the EU. Some British politicians were horrified when they saw the EU’s absolute power revealed in its new constitution, and falsely accused the EU of much more than a tidying up exercise. It wasn’t, it was a re-statement of the 6 treaties in almost readable English. Our politicians simply hadn’t read the six treaties before they voted for them. The French and Dutch “No” votes are being ignored as usual; the EU Constitution is 2/3rds implemented and still being implemented. Dan Hannan of the Brussels EU Constitutional Committee, confirms it will be fully implemended in two years. Brussels can enforce it fully after the Queen signs the sixth EU treaty. Here’s a one page summary with Article numbers: One page summary of the Constitution - pdf for download UKIP is way understating the costs of the EU. Even the British and EU governments admit to four times the UKIP figure. Quotes from our leaders revealing they know they built the EU as a dictatorship. EU treaties and publications abolishing our 48 counties The Conservative Con trick In 2005 Party Leader Michael Howard could have won the election for the Conservatives by making one simple statement: “We will repeal the 1972 EU Communities Act and leave Europe”. Millions of Conservative voters would have rejoined the fold. A million Lib-Dems and Labour voters would have joined him. But he didn’t. Because the Conservative leadership would rather be in Europe than be in power. Instead Howard continued betraying Conservative voters, so he lost. (And to be fair, why should Conservative leaders miss out on the EU corruption gravy train?) The Conservative leadership is completely dedicated to joining Europe, none more so than David Cameron, who is using the language and methods of Common Purpose against the Conservative Party. Conservative policy is to reform the EU from the inside (renegotiation). We’ve been in it 34 years and failed to refom this dictatorship one jot. Their policy is to continue this complete failure, and they know this pretence is wholly dishonest. You either submit to 100% of the EU or don’t join it at all; that is the only choice open to us. The Lib-Dems With the Labour and Lib-Dem parties openly for Europe, and the Conservative leadership secretly for it, its clear the three parties will never give us a vote to leave the EU and keep our nation. Massive civil disobedience, a permanent General Strike, or a blockade of Westminster until MP’s resign might be effective. The abolition of the Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem parties. A date for the abolition of Westminster has tactfully not been given The Queen, Treason and the Coronation oath Realising they stood a good chance of spending the rest of their lives behind bars, Tony Blair and the Queen signed the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998, which secretly abolished much of the crime of treason (s36.3) - they didn’t tell the MP’s what they had just voted for. 1.4 million British Servicemen gave their lives for our independence. The Queen has thrown their sacrifices away and made them worthless. At no physical risk to herself, she could have fulfilled her duty as a constitutional check and balance, by refusing to sign the six treaties until an in/out referendum had been held. In the unlikely event the vote went against her, she was even more unlikely to lose her crown (not her life or a limb), and would keep her £9 billion plus palaces either way. Those servicemen’s lives would still have meant something. But she was always keen to sign; and said in advance she would sign the last treaty. Princes Charles, William or Harry can now never be King. You can’t have a King without a Kingdom: they can only be princes of a region (principality) within Europe. King Edward 8th was forced to abdicate because he was too overt as a German Nazi supporter. Mrs Simpson’s divorce was merely the excuse. The Royal Family is a German Family - real surname Saxe-Coburg Gotha. Windsor is an adopted surname. All four of Prince Phillip’s sisters married high ranking German Nazis. After they lost the war the EU was switched from a Nazi basis to a communist basis. Between the ages of 12 and 22 Queen Elisabeth’s political and constitutional tutor was Sir Henry Martin, a Fabian Communist. It seems clear she was well trained for her subversion and treason. The Queen’s aspirations are not ours; she clearly serves a higher and darker master; the faith she defends cannot be the one we think it is. King George VI, the one monarch not indoctrinated with Nazi or Communist philosophy, must be turning over in his grave. The new EU Hitler doesn’t have to get elected The EU’s Hitler will have a much easier rise to power, and will have the formerly British and French nuclear weapons from day one. Adolf Hitler killed 54 million people. The EU’s dictator could kill a billion at the touch of a button, with no democratic checks and balances to answer to. How could any aspiring dictator resist the EU opportunity? . Some revolutionary lyrics - We’re being fooled again A diagram of the parallel EU Government in the UK. The wiring of the EU in Britain EU subversion of our Government. A link to ukip-plymouth.org.uk Our other site: drjn.co.uk Common Purpose, training 18,000 of our new EU rulers at all levels of our government now. The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill 2006 - government doesn’t need Parliament. Cromwell had something similar in the 1680’s. Is there anyone out there who doesn’t realise all the treaties and laws of a dictatorship, and more, are now enacted? And that all it takes is for a foreign power, the EU, to enforce them? Do we want to be in Europe? Do we want to lose democratic government, the nations of Britain and England, and all our counties? Do we want to put ourselves in the EU, where we will be at the mercy of any dictator who chooses to control us? Isn’t the answer obviously “No” ? We can live again outside Europe We could leave the EU in 14 hours We could repeal the 1972 European Communities Act and be out of Europe in just fourteen hours, if our traiterous MP’s, Prime Minister and Queen so wished. So far they’ve illegally denied us the choice. We need to change that, but we may only have 3 months left before the final 6th treaty is signed. Thank you. Please choose one of the six actions above and complete it. Questions? Call David Noakes: 07974 437 097 Categories: Uncategorized
So To Whom Do British Soldiers Swear Allegiance…Not The bint that Spits on 1.4 Million dead defending this country…….
January 24, 2009 · 1 Comment
1. Find out when your local MP holds their surgery and attend with a printout of this, and the one page summary of the EU constitution below. Ask that MP to cross the floor to be the leader of the first Anti EU Parliamentary Party (representing 65% of our nation). The publicity would be stunning, and might force an in/out vote.
2. Make appointments with your local journalists, give them the same two print outs and ask them to write about the truth about the EU.
3. Do you know anyone famous? Persuade them in the same way to join our cause and get the truth known.
4. Print little stickers: “We didn’t vote for this - it has no mandate,” and stick them on everything that represents the police state and rip off government.
5. Tell your Town, District and County councillors they are about to be abolished. See below.
6. Do anything you can to get the truth about the EU published.
Or print and hand out this tentruths flier (a pdf file), or tentruths (as a word document). Its just one side of A4 paper. .
Our 20,000 Councillors will be permanently abolished after the EU Regionalisation Plan has established the nine EU Regions. Point out they were elected to serve the public, not the government, and the public has not agreed to their abolition.
Try to persuade them to stand up for the people who voted for them, (which is only doing their duty) by holding a yes/no local ballot on whether the public agree with the abolition of our counties, councillors and nation.
1. The European Communities Act 1972.
2. The Single European Act, 1986.
3. The Maastricht Treaty, 1992.
4. The Amsterdam Treaty, 1997.
5. The Nice Treaty 2001.
6. The Lisbon Treaty 2008. (Formerly the Reform Treaty) Then the loss of our nation, way of life and freedom will be complete.
The EU is costing us 200 billion pa, 20% of our economy
Many people have been fooled by the Conservative Party into believing the party is anti EU. It was the Conservatives, under Ted Heath, who took us in to the EU, and then he lied that his 1972 EU Treaty wouldn’t affect our sovereignty. Three out of the four Prime Ministers who signed the 6 EU treaties were Conservatives, every one af them legally a traitor under the British laws of their time. Do you see a pattern here?
They realise we’re now living in what is legally a police state, and speak out against it. We’ve been forced to harmonise our laws with the EU during the 34 years we’ve been inside, and the police state we’re living in is the EU’s. The Lib-Dems tell us with stunning naivity its Labour’s police state, don’t admit the EU is behind it, and are still madly in favour of the EU. Its no comfort that they will suffer for their stupidity. Lately some Lib-Dem MP’s have been talking about the Tories pathetic “reform the EU” idea. Any reguritated rubbish will do to convince the public everything is normal.
So sloppy have our politicians been in their reading of the EU treaties, most haven’t noticed that the EU will abolish our Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem parties. It was clear in the Madrid 1999 party financing document, and it was re-stated in the Constitution, clause I-46-4. Only pan European parties like the EPP will be allowed. Some politicians, like Heseltine and Ken Clarke, can’t wait for this to happen.
Once the 6th treaty is signed, Westminster’s remaining powers are transferred to Brussels, and Westminster is left with the powers of a county council. Except it won’t have a county, because they will be abolished under the Regionalisation plan. The 9 EU regions report direct to Brussels, so Westminster will be a county council without a county. Anyone with half a brain can see Brussels will abolish Westminster, as it’s only potential use would be as a rallying point to challenge the power of Brussels.
Together with Churchill, King George VI saved our nation; he was a Monarch to be proud of. But his daughter the Queen is the only monarch to have broken her coronation oath, by signing these six treaties that abolish our common law, the British Constitution, the British and English nations, and our sovereignty. She has also committed treason, together with co-signatories Ted Heath, Margaret Thatcher, John Major and Tony Blair.
Its worth noting that Adolf Hitler first had to get elected, if on a 35% minority vote, and then get his Enabling Act passed. An EU dictator has no such problems. Our EU rulers do not submit themselves for election now. And the Queen has already signed the Enabling Act (Civil Contingencies Act 2004).
As a word doc.
Outside the EU we can be a free and properly democratic nation. Free from Europe we could stop half our government spending being wasted, could save the £200 billion a year it costs us to be in Europe, repeal all its 107,000 regulations, and stop losing the £22 billion a year to Europe on our balance of payments. With those vast savings we could easily pay all our people a good living wage. According to the OECD we are the 4th strongest economy amongst the world’s 205 independent nations, and we will make it handsomely.
The fastest an Act of Parliament has been drafted, passed by Parliament and signed by the Monarch was the abdication of King Edward 8th. It was done in 13.5 hours.
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Sunday, 25 January 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio
centurean2 // January 24, 2009 at 6:45 pm
Just as i thought the Cameron is CP AND BY THAT A FABIAN…
his course at uni gave the first clue then his way of being an utter arsehole, when he could have brought this fabian party down he didn’t.
Since this was written UKIP and BNP.