Tax Research UK / Jersey does support tax evasion - and so do ...
Under the EU Savings Directive all UK resident private individuals with assets in Jersey are subject to either full information exchange with UK tax authorities or withholding tax. Furthermore, whilst Jersey adheres firmly to the ... But as we all now know, the regulation in question was wrong and did not produce financial stability. So what is the benefit that Jersey is claiming? Second, Jersey did contribute to the failure of Northern Rock amongst other things. ...
Tax Research UK - Witterings From Witney: More Striking News
By Witterings From Witney
It is a fact that, as a result of our membership of the European Union, people have the right to live and work in another Member State. It is also a fact that, for exactly the same reason of membership, contracts over a certain level must be advertised in ... Have they not read any of the Directives and Regulations issued by our 'real' government in Brussels? Are they both blind and deaf? Come to that, what is it with members of the other two main political parties who, ...
Witterings From Witney -
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio