Today sees the release of the second report in the Council Spending Uncovered series, which examines the increase in town hall spending on middle and senior managers – those being paid at least £50,000 per annum. Worryingly, the report has discovered that the number of council managers above that remuneration level has jumped 22% in the space of just one year. Whilst businesses, families and individuals struggle in the tough economic conditions, town halls have more staff and fatter pay packets than ever.
To read the full report, click here.
The Sun, Leader: Town hauls
Daily Telegraph, Taxpayers' Alliance claims 22 per cent jump in council staff on £50k a year
Daily Star, Rise and Rise of UK's 50K Pen-Pushers
The Independent, Council middle managers 'up 20% in year'
Daily Express, Record number of fat cats in our town halls, Councils spend 22% more on middle management
Bradford Telegraph Argus, TaxPayers' Alliance says 366 staff on packages of more than £50,000
Wigan Today, Council's £50K jobs on rise
Northampton Evening Chronicle, High-paying councils are 'ignoring reality'
East Anglian Daily Times, 24-fold increase in council high earners
Western Mail, Councils attacked over increase in staff earning £60,000-plus
Scunthorpe Telegraph, 128 council staff paid over £50,000
Northern Echo, Increase in council staff paid more than £50,000
Clacton Gazette, Essex: 898 council staff earn more than £50k
Wandsworth Guardian, Wandsworth Council fat cats receive combined £2m salary
South Wales Echo, Boom time for council managers on £60,000
The Argus, Sussex authorities condemned over wage cost
Southern Daily Echo, Hampshire councils accused of ‘ignoring economic reality’ and paying too much
Evening Standard, Councils hire ‘new army’ of managers on £50000 a year
Ipswich Evening Star, More staff earn £50,000-plus
Rochdale Online, It’s a fifty grand life for 59 council staff
Newcastle Journal, More Managers
Portsmouth News, Councils spend millions on high paid employees
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