We didn't join the EU for defence reasons - we have Nato for that
Liam Fox, the shadow defence secretary, argues that Gordon Brown is
misleading the nation by claiming that the EU does not affect defence
By Liam Fox
Gordon Brown was wrong when he told the House of Commons recently
that the Lisbon Treaty "in no way affects our defence policy". At the
start of what may be a dangerous year for global security, perhaps he
should read it more closely.
On defence, the treaty gives the EU Commission more influence than
ever. The debate is not about whether the treaty affects our defence
policy but how far it pushes us from an intergovernmental policy to a
supranational one.
The newly created High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy (the EU's foreign minister) will
["will"? would ! -cs] also serve as a vice-president in the EU
Commission. This in itself is bad enough, potentially blurring
executive and civil service roles. Worse still, he will also head the
European Defence Agency (EDA) and have a right of initiative for
proposing EU-led military operations. The bottom line is that the EU
will get a foothold in our defence policy for the first time.
Since, by definition, the Commission doesn't answer to any single
member state, allowing the High Representative to simultaneously
serve as a vice-president brings the realisation of "ever closer
Union" in the area of defence one step closer.
The treaty requires member states "to progressively improve their
military capabilities" - commendable, if some of our European allies
would actually do it to fulfil their Nato obligations. At present,
too many seem to want the insurance that Nato provides without having
to pay the premiums.
As the treaty allows qualified majority voting in the EDA, Britain
will now lose its national veto. The treaty also contains a mutual
defence clause. At what point did an economic community mutate into a
proto-defence union? And what does a mutual defence clause mean when
neutral states such as Ireland are included?
We did not join the EU for defence purposes - we have Nato as the
cornerstone of our defence.For the EU to have a constructive role, it
needs to do something Nato does not do. The EU acting as a delivery
mechanism for Nato where the US will not or cannot be involved is a
sound idea. But duplicating Nato structures will potentially create
competition for the same scarce resources.
The treaty threatens to undermine the defence assumptions that our
nation have held for 60 years, and to drive a wedge between us and
our transatlantic allies. Over time, the integrationists want an ever
greater role in defence for the EU. This would ultimately challenge
Nato and the role America has in our defence. This year the US will
spend about $700 billion on defence. The UK, the EU's biggest
spender, will spend about $60 billion.
The idea that we would risk losing the defensive umbrella of America
and swap it for an alliance of low-spending, non-deploying and, in
some cases, neutral countries would be crazy. If we maintain our
current direction in the EU, that is where we may end up.
Conservatives want the EU to work in partnership with Nato. The
provisions of the treaty move us in the wrong direction. When Gordon
Brown tells us that the Government supports the Irish having another
referendum, but that the British are to be denied one, his cynicism
shows through. When he tells the Irish there are no defence
implications it is simply untrue. When he tells the British people
that we do not understand the treaty, and that he is in complete
control, we need to press the stop button. Quickly.
Friday, 2 January 2009
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Britannia Radio