‘...for for inciting hatred and discrimination, based on comments by him in various media on Muslims and their beliefs’...In March 2008, Mr Wilders posted a film about the Koran on the internet, prompting angry protests across the Muslim World. The opening scenes of Fitna - a Koranic term sometimes translated as ‘strife’ - show a copy of the holy book followed by footage of the bomb attacks on the US on 11 September 2001, London in July 2005 and Madrid in March Though Obama referred (without speaking specifically of Martin Luther King) to the dream that had been set before America decades ago on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial having been made reality, it was left to the veteran civil rights campaigner of that older generation, the Rev Joseph Lowery, to pluck the strings of the heart with his fabulously politically incorrect couplets: ‘If you're black don't give it back/if you're yeller, just be meller.’ ‘Fabulously politically incorrect’, eh? This is what Lowery actually said in hisprayer: ‘We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellowThursday, 22nd January 2009
A defining moment
So the inevitable has now come about in the teetering civilisation of Europe, and it has happened first in the Netherlands. One of the supposedly most liberal societies on the planet wants to criminalise someone for telling the truth. The BBC reports that Dutch Freedom Party MP Geert Wilders is to be put on trial
...Wednesday, 21st January 2009
The post-racial nirvana
In his toe-curling Guardian article today (sorry, can’t find a link) fawning over the Obama inauguration, the historian Simon Schama writes:
Thursday, 22 January 2009
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Britannia Radio