..And Even Uglier

People who have been at the pro-and anti-Israel demonstrations in London have been producing some absolutely horrifying descriptions and images. OnHarry’s Place pictures (such as the one here from Indymedia) capture the violence and thuggery of the left/Islamist alliance at demonstrations last night and last week. A reader on that thread adds his experience:
I was there last night - in fact me and my mate were one of the first to arrive. As we crossed from the station and walked towards the embassy, we were greeted by lunatics waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags. In front of us walked a young man, wearing a kippah. He got out of his bag and Israeli flag and was immediately taken to the side by two police officers. After questioning him for about 10 minutes, he was issued a caution. After he was released we went up to talk to him - he showed us the police caution - and i kid you not - it stated that by getting out an Israeli flag he was causing provocation to the pro palestinian demonstration.
Another reader who was there wrote this:
It was genuinely scary afterwards with gangs of Middle Eastern thugs in keffiyehs, roaming Kensington High Street looking for Jews to beat up.
While a previous post on the site shows the astonishing spectacle, on a similar demonstration in Dublin, of Irish toddlers dressed as Palestinians in military fatigues – just as they do in Gaza and the West Bank. Depravity has clearly been globalised.
Chas Newky-Burden writes this account of last night's demonstrations:Between High Street Kensington tube station and the embassy were numerous folk from the pro-Hamas rally. They shouted and screamed abuse at anyone they perceived as headed towards the Israel solidarity rally, including some elderly Jews. When I arrived at the rally area and was giving an interview to a television crew, two of the pro-Hamas bunch jumped in my way and screamed at me.
I then joined the Israel Solidarity Rally. The hatred from the pro-Hamas side was intense. They hurled the most wicked abuse imaginable, and threw objects. Some of their number tried to break through the barrier. Thankfully the police had undertaken searches because some of the Hamas supporters had arrived at their demonstration with bricks and knives. One of their lot came over and spat at a young Jewish boy who had been minding his own business. Then some of them drove past our rally shouting abusive remarks and waving pro-terrorist flags. Meanwhile, the Israel rally stayed calm and dignified. We sang about peace, and also sang the Israeli and English national anthems.
Finally, Carol Gould writes here about the anti-Israel hate-fest last week in Trafalgar Square:I witnessed crowds of very angry white, middle-class, respectable Britons wearing keffiyahs and piling onto the Tube from the very start of the Northern Line in faraway Barnet. As my train approached Charing Cross station I realized that if I had identified myself as sympathetic to Israel’s plight I might have been attacked. In Trafalgar Square itself thousands of even angrier people milled about; young men in keffiyahs chanted epithets against Zionists, their fury accompanied by placards with Stars of David superimposed on swastikas and slogans denouncing genocidal, war criminal Israel....One priceless poster said ‘Let Iran Have Nuclear Weapons.’ ... Next to me several young Muslims in green Hamas scarves wielding large sticks were booked by the police. Later a large crowd of some 5,000 infuriated protesters descended on the Israeli consulate, burned Israeli flags, and hurled missiles whilst another crowd threw hundreds of shoes at Downing Street.
As Gould says, there’s now a positively medieval character to this frenzied hatred, which I have watched building up now for years in Britain as a direct result of two linked phenomena – the appeasement of militant Islamism and the toleration of its intimidatory and thuggish public displays; and the wicked lies, distortions and blood libels about Israel disseminated by broadcast and print media week in, week out. What we are witnessing in these repeated hate-fests, including the onslaught outside the Israel embassy, is the jihad erupting on the streets of London – aided and abetted by a fifth column of non-Muslim leftists and Jew-haters.
The silence of the political class – with one or two honourable exceptions -- in the face of all this is unacceptable. Worse still, some politicians have endorsed the hatred and added to the incitement – such as the LibDem MEP Chris Davies who came out with a hysterical stream of foul comments about Israel such as this :
The racism that goes to the heart of the Israeli Government's approach is to assume that the Palestinians can be beaten and beaten until they are subdued and will then do what they are told. It fails to recognise that the Palestinians might respond to such treatment in exactly the same way as Israelis would – with defiance.
Which seems to me to come pretty close to endorsing Hamas and its agenda of genocide against the Jews. But too many Labour and Conservative MPs are on the wrong side of this great issue too.
It’s not enough to deliver mealy-mouthed and meaningless platitudes about the need for both sides to pull back in Gaza. It is certainly not enough to tolerate ‘anti-extremist’ Muslim advisers who issue veiled threats of violence unless Britain stops supporting Israel. In view of the rising violence and intimidation on the streets in general and towards Jews in particular, senior politicians have a duty now to speak out in defence of Israel against the lies that are inciting this hatred and to deplore the incendiary and false media coverage. They have a duty to tell the British Muslim community publicly and in terms that they have swallowed decades of lies and libels about Israel and the Jewish people and that that sits at the very core of the extremism that has taken them over. They have a duty to say that while free speech is precious, intimidation and thuggery will not be tolerated. And mean it.
For silence is complicity, as once gentle, decent, civilised Britain changes before our horrified eyes into something very ugly indeed.
..And Even Uglier
People who have been at the pro-and anti-Israel demonstrations in London have been producing some absolutely horrifying descriptions and images. OnHarry’s Place pictures (such as the one here from Indymedia) capture the violence and thuggery of the left/Islamist alliance at demonstrations last night and last week. A reader on that thread adds his experience:
I was there last night - in fact me and my mate were one of the first to arrive. As we crossed from the station and walked towards the embassy, we were greeted by lunatics waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags. In front of us walked a young man, wearing a kippah. He got out of his bag and Israeli flag and was immediately taken to the side by two police officers. After questioning him for about 10 minutes, he was issued a caution. After he was released we went up to talk to him - he showed us the police caution - and i kid you not - it stated that by getting out an Israeli flag he was causing provocation to the pro palestinian demonstration.
Another reader who was there wrote this:
It was genuinely scary afterwards with gangs of Middle Eastern thugs in keffiyehs, roaming Kensington High Street looking for Jews to beat up.
While a previous post on the site shows the astonishing spectacle, on a similar demonstration in Dublin, of Irish toddlers dressed as Palestinians in military fatigues – just as they do in Gaza and the West Bank. Depravity has clearly been globalised.
Between High Street Kensington tube station and the embassy were numerous folk from the pro-Hamas rally. They shouted and screamed abuse at anyone they perceived as headed towards the Israel solidarity rally, including some elderly Jews. When I arrived at the rally area and was giving an interview to a television crew, two of the pro-Hamas bunch jumped in my way and screamed at me.
I then joined the Israel Solidarity Rally. The hatred from the pro-Hamas side was intense. They hurled the most wicked abuse imaginable, and threw objects. Some of their number tried to break through the barrier. Thankfully the police had undertaken searches because some of the Hamas supporters had arrived at their demonstration with bricks and knives. One of their lot came over and spat at a young Jewish boy who had been minding his own business. Then some of them drove past our rally shouting abusive remarks and waving pro-terrorist flags. Meanwhile, the Israel rally stayed calm and dignified. We sang about peace, and also sang the Israeli and English national anthems.
I witnessed crowds of very angry white, middle-class, respectable Britons wearing keffiyahs and piling onto the Tube from the very start of the Northern Line in faraway Barnet. As my train approached Charing Cross station I realized that if I had identified myself as sympathetic to Israel’s plight I might have been attacked. In Trafalgar Square itself thousands of even angrier people milled about; young men in keffiyahs chanted epithets against Zionists, their fury accompanied by placards with Stars of David superimposed on swastikas and slogans denouncing genocidal, war criminal Israel....One priceless poster said ‘Let Iran Have Nuclear Weapons.’ ... Next to me several young Muslims in green Hamas scarves wielding large sticks were booked by the police. Later a large crowd of some 5,000 infuriated protesters descended on the Israeli consulate, burned Israeli flags, and hurled missiles whilst another crowd threw hundreds of shoes at Downing Street.
As Gould says, there’s now a positively medieval character to this frenzied hatred, which I have watched building up now for years in Britain as a direct result of two linked phenomena – the appeasement of militant Islamism and the toleration of its intimidatory and thuggish public displays; and the wicked lies, distortions and blood libels about Israel disseminated by broadcast and print media week in, week out. What we are witnessing in these repeated hate-fests, including the onslaught outside the Israel embassy, is the jihad erupting on the streets of London – aided and abetted by a fifth column of non-Muslim leftists and Jew-haters.
The silence of the political class – with one or two honourable exceptions -- in the face of all this is unacceptable. Worse still, some politicians have endorsed the hatred and added to the incitement – such as the LibDem MEP Chris Davies who came out with a hysterical stream of foul comments about Israel such as this :
The racism that goes to the heart of the Israeli Government's approach is to assume that the Palestinians can be beaten and beaten until they are subdued and will then do what they are told. It fails to recognise that the Palestinians might respond to such treatment in exactly the same way as Israelis would – with defiance.
Which seems to me to come pretty close to endorsing Hamas and its agenda of genocide against the Jews. But too many Labour and Conservative MPs are on the wrong side of this great issue too.
It’s not enough to deliver mealy-mouthed and meaningless platitudes about the need for both sides to pull back in Gaza. It is certainly not enough to tolerate ‘anti-extremist’ Muslim advisers who issue veiled threats of violence unless Britain stops supporting Israel. In view of the rising violence and intimidation on the streets in general and towards Jews in particular, senior politicians have a duty now to speak out in defence of Israel against the lies that are inciting this hatred and to deplore the incendiary and false media coverage. They have a duty to tell the British Muslim community publicly and in terms that they have swallowed decades of lies and libels about Israel and the Jewish people and that that sits at the very core of the extremism that has taken them over. They have a duty to say that while free speech is precious, intimidation and thuggery will not be tolerated. And mean it.
For silence is complicity, as once gentle, decent, civilised Britain changes before our horrified eyes into something very ugly indeed.