By STEVE DOUGHTY Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population Paul Joseph Watson Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo has gone in-depth on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, who personally told him that the elite's ultimate goal was to create a microchipped population and that the war on terror was a hoax, Rockefeller having predicted an "event" that would trigger the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan eleven months before 9/11. Rockefeller also told Russo that his family's foundation had created and bankrolled the women's liberation movement in order to destroy the family and that population reduction was a fundamental aim of the global elite. Russo is perhaps best known for producing Trading Places starring Eddie Murphy but was more recently in the spotlight for his exposé of the criminal run for profit federal reserve system, the documentaryAmerica From Freedom to Fascism. Currently undergoing more treatment in his fight against cancer, Russo made time for a sit down interview with radio host and fellow documentary film maker Alex Jones in which he dropped bombshell after bombshell on what Rockefeller had told him about the direction the world was being steered towards by the global elite. You can watch a fourteen minute segment of the interview below. =========================== After his popular video Mad As Hell was released and he began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo's passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite. During one conversation, Rockefeller asked Russo if he was interested in joining the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) but Russo rejected the invitation, saying he had no interest in "enslaving the people" to which Rockefeller coldly questioned why he cared about the "serfs." "I used to say to him what's the point of all this," states Russo, "you have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need, what's the point, what's the end goal?" to which Rockefeller replied (paraphrasing), "The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world." Rockefeller even assured Russo that if he joined the elite his chip would be specially marked so as to avoid undue inspection by the authorities. Russo states that Rockefeller told him, "Eleven months before 9/11 happened there was going to be an event and out of that event we were going to invade Afghanistan to run pipelines through the Caspian sea, we were going to invade Iraq to take over the oil fields and establish a base in the Middle East, and we'd go after Chavez in Venezuela." Rockefeller also told Russo that he would see soldiers looking in caves in Afghanistan and Pakistan for Osama bin Laden and that there would be an "Endless war on terror where there's no real enemy and the whole thing is a giant hoax," so that "the government could take over the American people," according to Russo, who said that Rockefeller was cynically laughing and joking as he made the astounding prediction. In a later conversation, Rockefeller asked Russo what he thought women's liberation was about. Russo's response that he thought it was about the right to work and receive equal pay as men, just as they had won the right to vote, caused Rockefeller to laughingly retort, "You're an idiot! Let me tell you what that was about, we the Rockefeller's funded that, we funded women's lib, we're the one's who got all of the newspapers and television - the Rockefeller Foundation." Rockefeller told Russo of two primary reasons why the elite bankrolled women's lib, one because before women's lib the bankers couldn't tax half the population and two because it allowed them to get children in school at an earlier age, enabling them to be indoctrinated into accepting the state as the primary family, breaking up the traditional family model. This revelation dovetails previous admissions on behalf of feminist pioneer Gloria Steinem (pictured) that the CIA bankrolled Ms. Magazine as part of the same agenda of breaking up traditional family models. Rockefeller was often keen to stress his idea that "the people have to be ruled" by an elite and that one of the tools of such power was population reduction, that there were "too many people in the world," and world population numbers should be reduced by at least half. One issue which has spiraled out of control of the elite according to Rockefeller's conversations with Russo, is the Israel-Palestine conflict, with serious thinking at one stage revolving around the bizarre notion of giving Israeli citizens one million dollars each and relocating them all in the state of Arizona. By STEVE DOUGHTY Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti says there are serious security doubts about the Government's child register Tens of thousands of politicians, celebrities and local bigwigs will be able to keep their addresses and details about their families off the Government's new children's database, it was revealed yesterday. They will be allowed to withdraw everything but their children's names, sex and ages from the controversial computer record. Powerful and influential parents who believe they will be in danger from others who may be 'hostile' will have their details struck off the ContactPoint database along with domestic violence victims and those in witness protection programmes. But the great majority of ordinary families will be compelled to display their contact details alongside information about their children and their schools, doctors and social workers. News of the 'get-out' clause will only add to the anger and suspicion that has greeted the £224million project. It has already has been hit by a string of delays over concerns over the security of the highly sensitive data it holds. Ministers released details about the numbers likely to be able to take advantage of the 'get-out' rules as they launched the database. Officials estimate that hundreds of parents in each local authority will be included in a 'shielding' system which will limit information about them on ContactPoint because they are judged to be 'at risk of significant harm'. Across all the 150 town halls that will run the database, that adds up to at least 50,000. The scale of the get-out provoked further concerns about the security of the database. Nearly 400,000 individuals will be able to look at information on ContactPoint, including council staff, health workers, police officers, and even staff of voluntary groups and charities who have passed criminal records checks. Jill Kirby of the centre-right think tank Centre for Policy Studies said: 'This is a clear admission by the Government that ContactPoint will not be secure. 'It is not surprising that public figures will not want their addresses or details about their children on it. But why should they have different rules from the rest of us?' According to the Department for Children, Schools and Families, 'some people may need to have some of their details hidden to prevent their location being identified'. Anyone who wants their address kept off the database must apply to their local council. Town hall officials will then make a choice based on national guidelines. Some authorities have published their rules on shielding. Somerset, for example, has said that shielding 'may be appropriate where a parent/carer whose child's record appears on ContactPoint may be at risk were the address to become known to...a hostile adult'. Opposition MP Michael Gove says the controversial database must be scrapped It acknowledges that some members of the public who have no involvement with police or social workers and whose children have no illnesses, injuries or school problems 'will wish to apply for their child's case to be shielded'. The county guidelines add: 'this may include celebrities, politicians and other high profile members of the public'. Council officials may also be able to escape seeing their addresses listed on the database if there are special circumstances, for example if the worker concerned is going through a difficult divorce. Opposition politicians said ContactPoint must be scrapped. Tory children's spokesman Michael Gove said: 'This will look like MPs are yet again creating one rule for themselves and one for everyone else. Creating more bureaucracy with sensitive information accessible to millions of people will do nothing to improve child protection.' Liberal Democrat children's spokesman David Laws said: 'The fact that celebrities and politicians can have their children's records shielded will hardly inspire confidence among other parents.' Shami Chakrabarti of the Liberty pressure group said: 'If you feel you need to shield one group of children, it throws doubt over everyone's security. Every child should be shielded from this database.' Henry Porter of the Convention on Modern Liberty said: 'This gives the lie to every claim they make about security. It is going to be insecure. 'We have a government that wants to track our every move, store and share our data, fingerprint our children, retain our DNA, hack our computers, log every email internet connection and phone call.' Ministers say ContactPoint will help teachers, doctors, police officers and social workers find out rapidly whether other organisations have involvement with a child. A spokesman for the Department for Children, Schools and Families said: 'All ContactPoint records are extremely secure whether or not they are shielded.' Decisions on shielding 'will be taken on a case by case basis'.Them and us child register: Politicians and celebrities can keep their details off a controversial new database see Daily Mail Article.below.
Last updated at 7:58 AM on 27th January 2009watch the late Aaron Russo with Nick Rockefeller....
27 minutes....attempted recruitment
28 minutes....population control
29 minutes..Womens Lib.Taxation of 50% of population and STATE BECOMES FAMILY
offered special card "K.M.A"
(kiss my *rse)
Hollywood director Russo goes in-depth for first time on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, including his prediction of 9/11 and the war on terror hoax, the Rockefeller's creation of women's lib, and the elite's ultimate plan for world population reduction and a microchipped society
Prison Planet
Monday, January 29, 2007=========================================
Them and us child register: Politicians and celebrities can keep their details off a controversial new database
Last updated at 7:58 AM on 27th January 2009
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
we've been telling you this for 4-5 years if not longer...!!!!
Posted by
Britannia Radio