Web Author Warns Internet Is Dying Greece Violence Targets Police Government plans to extend powers to spy on personal computers
A renowned Russian author has warned that the internet in its current form may not exist within as little as six years time.
Pat Robertson’s NWO God: U.S. Will Embrace Socialism
On December 23, the “conservative” preacher Pat Robertson told CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux that he was pleased as punch with the election of Barack Obama.
• AD: Convert Your Car To Electric & Save $$$ on Gas Prices
A policeman has been shot in a gun and grenade attack in central Athens carried out by at least two gunmen.
• AD: Build Your Own Solar Panels and Save $$$ On Electricity Bills - Simple & Easy!
Police could routinely hack into personal computers without the need for a warrant under new plans from the European Union.
Monday, 5 January 2009
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Britannia Radio