Who Trumps Whom?
Several readers took umbrage to my last column in which I wrote, "Despite my sincere best wishes for the incoming administration, I remain a prisoner of reason and empirical evidence.” Specifically, critics were offended that I would want President Obama to succeed so that the nation and republic could succeed. Time out!.......
by Geoff Metcalf
The Coronation of the Court Jester!
The AKA (Also Known As) Obama coronation is finally over. Absent from the circus act in Washington DC were the elephants, lions and tigers; but the illusionists were there in full force. To start things off right, Diane Feinstein, the femi-Nazi Democrat from California, introduced Chief Justice John G Roberts to administer the “oaf of office.” Prophetic, Diane, prophetic.......
by Lynn Stuter
Game On
With eyes wide shut Americans elected Barack Hussein Obama even though it’s doubtful he was even eligible for the office; even though he promised bona fide socialism; even though virtually every “change’” his supporters thought they were voting for likely won’t transpire; and even though changes that probably will take place will be horrifying........
by Mary Starrett
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
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Britannia Radio