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(See them all together here.)
Japan's industrial output plunges. Biggest drop on record.BBC 2009 Feb 27 (Cached)
US: Economy shrinks faster than expected. Now worst in 26 years - and continuing down. Yahoo 2009 Feb 27 (Cached)
CNBC analysts predicts global bank and global currency within 15 years. Same people who created present crisis are now engineering even worse crisis. Prison Planet 2009 Feb 27 (Cached)
US: Government commission urges tax on miles driven rather than gallons of gas used. That way, they have an excuse for monitoring travel patterns. They undoubtedly would keep the gas tax also. JunkScience 2009 Feb 26 (Cached)
Running out of water in Las Vegas means dimming the lights in Los Angeles. Bloomberg 2009 Feb 26 (Cached)
Obama's 2009 budget will spend $11,833 for every American. Add over-budget spending. Add off-budget spending. Add the cost of administering the spending. Add inflation. Reuters 2009 Feb 26 (Cached)
Obama's budget calls for almost $1 trillion in new taxes over next 10 years. Much more will be take through hidden tax of inflation. ABC 2009 Feb 26 (Cached)
Obama's new budget for military expense is just as large as it was under Bush. No change there, either. Slate 2009 Feb 26 (Cached) CNBC news anchors upset when Ron Paul was given air time at Federal Reserve hearing.
Prison Planet 2009 Feb 26 (Cached) Ron Paul, interviewed on the Glen Beck Show, explains the desparate push for a global monetary system. YouTube2009 Feb 26
China: Production and commerce continue downward in spite of same stimulus policies being applied in U.S.Telegraph 2009 Feb 25 (Cached)Is your electric blanket safe? Mercola 2009 Feb 24 (Cached)
Spain pulls 75,000 doses of Gardasil off the market after illnesses. Mercola 2009 Feb 24 (Cached)
AIG, which previously received $150 billion from taxpayers, is still losing money and wants more. It's already 80% owned by the government. What the government funds, the government owns. That includes people. CNBC 2009 Feb 23 (Cached)
US: Soldier claims Obama not Constitutionally eligible to be President and Commander-in-Chief. Refuses to serve "Impostor" WND 2009 Feb 23 (Cached) US: Get ready for massive closures of retail stores and malls. Yahoo Finance Posted 2009 Feb 21
Why do people get more colds in the winter? It's not because they get chilled. The real answer could save your life. Mercola Posted 2009 Feb 21
If draught does not abate, federal government may cut off water from California farms - causing higher food prices and unemployment. MSNBC Posted 2009 Feb 21 (Cached)
Russia: Putin warns the U.S. about socialism! The wolf is warning against eating meat. Putin remains a collectivist who wants now to be seen as a moderate. This is a bad joke that the uninformed will take seriously. Right Perspective Posted 2009 Feb 21 (Cached)
Obama Admin. seeks dismissal of lawsuit that would require Bush officials to recover 15 million White House e-mails that were "lost" or destroyed. So much for 2-party system and "transparency" in government. Public RecordPosted 2009 Feb 21 (Cached)
Obama Admin. already backtracking on promise to restore Freedom of Information Act. There will be no real change. EFF Posted 2009 Feb 21 (Cached) Kill the Messenger, the riveting story of Sibel Edmonds, FBI whistleblower who was gagged by court order to stop her from telling what she knows about corruption and treason in government. Top class documentary. YouTubePosted 2009 Feb 21
============================ FROM OUR READERS
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Although we are unable to engage in personal correspondence, we deeply appreciate your contribution. Thank you.
Why has no one challenged the Fed in the Supreme Court? Of all their frauds there is one blatantly staring everyone in the face, and begs an answer. A Federal Reserve Note has "one dollar" printed on it. Also, a United States Treasury minted Silver Eagle has "one dollar" stamped on it. Yet it currently trades for, what 16 or 18 Federal Reserve Notes? 16 dollars = 1 dollar is an untrue statement. An impossibility. Therefore, one of them is a fraud, an imposter. We know who it is, but would be nice to hear the opinion of the courts. Where is the bureau of standard weights and measures on this issue?
Just some rambling thoughts. Thank you for listening.
Dave, 2009 Feb 27
I am somewhat concerned by the recent rash of resolutions concerning state sovereignty as outlined in the ninth and tenth amendments to the Constitution.
The verbiage in these resolutions (nearly universally) state that ALL powers not ceded to the Federal Government are reserved to the states.
Although these resolutions seem a step in the right direction I must ask what happened to the all important phrase "or to the people"? Will we stand back and applaud as the state governments remove yet more of our freedoms with such an all encompassing statement?
Kevin, 2009 Feb 28
Hi, I'm Steve. I am a Eurosceptic, so most people know that I am for a Europe of Nations. Nevertheless, why is the European force an intrinsically bad idea? The purpose of N.A.T.O. was supposedly a pact for a European anti-communist pact, but instead led to the Europeans hedging their bets on the US stepping in in case the Soviets attacked or intervened. To this day, really, this seems to be the actual end of provide war guarantees to small, unstable Eastern European/Eurasian countries (like Georgia) so they will not have to take care of their own defense. I see this as an opportunity for the U.S. to avoid future defense commitments to these nations, and I was wondering why a European defense pact is such a bad thing.
Steve, 2009 Feb 27
Hello Steve.
A unified European force is not an intrinsically bad idea any more than global government is an intrinsically bad idea. What makes both of them bad is the KIND of governments they are turning into. Both are designed on the model of collectivism and, therefore, they are programmed to evolve into totalitarian systems. Defense has very little to do with it. Its as simple as that.
Thanks for the inquiry.
Ed Griffin
from Jerome Stumps, 2009 Feb 26
We unknowingly grabbed a live wire earlier this week when we published a story with the following headline: "Military prepares to use entire states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Northern California for weapons testing on crops, air, and civilian population."It linkes to an article written by Rosalind Peterson, a retired employee of the US Department of Agriculture. The next day, I received the following blast from a subscriber in Portland, Oregon:
"That whole post about military expansion in the PNW is bunk. There is nothing in the EIS about whole state coverage nor on their maps. And according to the navy, EOD will go down from 60 to 4. The person writing that article has obviously not read it. I went through the summaries, PDFs of all the ToC, and there is nothing in there. I didn't download the full study and go through it ( parts I & II ). So unless it's buried in the long version somewhere, which still should have made it to the summaries, the whole article is a fear mongering lie or disinfo provocation for radicals. And considering this person was a former USDA person, which is a corrupt organization to begin with, why would you take anything out of her mouth without doing due diligence. If you got sources for facts, you need to post them on a follow up or reader comment. Otherwise, you might as well join the Alex Jones club and post some news once in awhile and bogus staged stuff the rest of the time. Hey anything to fit your agenda and make a profit, right. You lost my trust in that you're responsible about reality/truthful facts.
-SPL, Portland, OR, 2009 Feb 26"
Well, although we still are hoping someday to see that mythological profit that bothers SPL, we do, indeed, care about the truth here atUnfiltered News. so I searched the Internet looking for confirmation of the basic facts in Peterson's article. What I found was a mixed bag. As far as I can tell from what I have seen so far, the basic facts are correct regarding the Navy's plan to expand its training area into both wilderness and populated areas previously excluded. It is also true that the public has been given only perfunctory advance notice and very little time to respond to the proposal. However, I was not able to locate specific sections within the report that mentioned the use of chemicals, sound-emitting devices, or other weaponry that would be particularly dangerous to civilian populations. That is not to say those sections are not there. It is just that I was not able to find them. As Peterson has pointed out, the fact that they are not identified by name in the publicly available reports is no assurance they are not planned. Knowing what I know about the military ethic, I would be surprised if such weapons were NOT on the list. We know they are in the arsenal and we know they have to be tested somewhere, so why not in the largest testing range of all? Still, SPL has a good point when he says there is no clear reference to any of this in the official reports.
Here are two more links to other news sources that cover this story:
Link 1. Link 2.
Our mission at Unfiltered News is to present the truth, whether it fits our world view or not, and we do not want to be a party to "fear mongering" as SPL puts it, so I invite our readers who may have special knowledge of this issue to let us know what they know. Please keep editorial opinion to a minimum, but do send us facts that can be verified. Thank you.
Ed Griffin
from John Hammell, 2009 Feb 24
Are you confused over what impact Codex will have on food and dietary supplements? If so, we're not surprised, given the rampant misinformation about Codex that abounds on the internet. Misinformation takes peoples eyes off the real problems
There is presently a lot of information circulating on the internet about Codexand its potential imminent impact on the banning of food (dietary) supplements including vitamins, minerals and herbsthat is inaccurate.
The misinformation is feeding peoples fears and is preventing them, especially in Europe, from using what democratic powers still remain to influence legal processes that will, in the short-term, have a far bigger impact on their access to natural health products. This is particularly the case for the nearly 500 million people living in the 27 Member States of Europe, where it is European Directives and Regulations that present the main risk to their continued access to beneficial natural health products.
Much of the misinformation appears to stem from the US-based Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF), and in particular, a Youtube-released video called Nutricide featuring NSF's medical director, Dr Rima Laibow. (More)
First, do you know that carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere is
Þ only slightly more than 1/3rd of 1/10th of 1 percent?
Þ just recovering from the lowest level in the history of the earth?
Þ the source of carbon for all life forms, on land or in the sea?
Þ only slightly above the suffocation level for green plants?
Þ a fraction of the level for which evolution designed plants?
Þ so low as to cause some people breathing problems?
Þ increased by 130 times and more when administered to sick patients?
Þ considered, thanks to Al Gore, a pollutant by the Supreme Court?
Þ now a commodity to be traded on Al Gores Carbon Exchange?
(See lawsuit against Al Gore for fraud)
Its common knowledge that when we breathe we take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide but what is not generally known is that we are greatly affected by the level of carbon dioxide in the air we breathe as well as the way we breathe. Because many people with a wide range of health problems find relief when given enhanced levels of carbon dioxide, it follows that these people would benefit from any rise in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The importance of CO2 and proper breathing is nicely covered in the following audio lecture and followed with scientific references. (More)
Honestly, I don't know much about global warming. I have read The Report From Iron Mountain so my gut reaction is it's another government "fear" propaganda effort. There seem to be a lot of people jumping on the global warming, "money making" bandwagon. Honestly, I don't think I would believe Al Gore if he told me eggs came from chickens.
What bothers me is what they teach in school...and I'm talking about all grades and virtually all schools. A lot of the courses are mislabeled. They use one of the oldest tricks in the book, i.e., get the "students" into a closed environment where they basically can't get out and then they let the runny yellow propaganda flow. They start in grade school and keep right on trying through graduate school. One of my sons just completed a masters level "Ethics" class at a really good Midwestern university. It was a joke. There were no ethics being taught. The entire course was based on U.N. Agenda 21. They had to use that document as their virtual text book.
When the professor teaches crap, another good friend of mine writes at the bottom of her MBA exams, "I don't agree with anything you have taught but I know I have to regurgitate it verbatim if I am going to get a good grade."
One of my daughters took a course at U.C. Santa Cruz titled, Women in Business. It was all about lesbianism and had absolutely nothing to do with women in business.
Most people, in the interest of political correctness, never say a word; however, I do see a small trend gathering a little traction. The trend is honesty. When and if the American people ever wake-up and open their collective windows and yell, "I am mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore," then we might start taking our country back from the super rich that have been trying to reduce America to "mush".
As always, I urge you and your friends to read the book, The Creature From Jekyll Island. "The name of the game is bailout." It always has been.
Regards, Ernie, 2009 Feb 22.
Just finished article on # of casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan. It reminds me of the recent hurricane to hit Galveston, Texas. The news reports convey around 30 death contributed to the storm. My sister-in-law works for Galveston Co. Police Dept. She claims it is over 4000 in Galveston alone. I just don't understand the secrecy.
Kevin R. Kitchens, 2009 Feb 21
Several times in the last few months we have received emails including a quote that, we are told, comes from Das Kapital by Karl Marx:
"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take on more and more expensive debt, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of all banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism."
Those who have read Das Kapital immediately would hear fake alarms going off in their heads. This is not the the biting rhetoric of Marx and it betrays itself in three places. First, it assumes the working class had credit and could be enticed into debt by the banks, which was not a fact of life in 1867 when Marx wrote the book. Credit for the common man is a far more recent phenomenon. Secondly, in those days, the working class was not able to buy houses at all, certainly not "more expensive" ones. Thirdly, the word technology would have been meaningless then in terms of something the common man might purchase. Other than a wind-up clock, there was little technology available to the working class.
It's hard to imagine who writes these false quotes and false news stories that flood the Internet, but the effect is to discredit those who naively circulate them to their friends and to make sure that no one will listen to them when they do come along with valid information. If we were of a suspicious mind, we might even suspect that was the motive for inventing them in the first place.
Please be assured that anything appearing on Unfiltered News has been checked out as thoroughly as possible beforehand. We certainly are not infallible, but we have been at this game for many years and have developed a pretty good nose for misinformation.
G. Edward Griffin
RE: "Who Is Counting Those Coffins?"
I remember listening to a floor speech that Congressman Ron Paul MD gave a few years ago on the floor of Congress. In that speech and at that time, Congressman Paul referenced "over 20,000 Americans already dead" from Iraq and Afghanistan. I would suppose that that speech has been saved in the Congressional Record, in case anyone wants to search for it.
Don Barletta, 2009 Feb 20
WILL THE U.S. GOVERNMENT AGAIN CONFISCATE PRIVATELY HELD GOLD? This notice, which was placed in post offices in 1933 is a bitter reminder that it could happen again. If youclick on the image, you can read an enlarged copy and see for yourselfthat, the last time America faced a financial crisis, the President declared a national emergency and ordered all citizens to turn in their gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates (paper notes backed by gold). The only exceptions were coins that were perceived to have significant collector's value. Many coin dealers today point to this fact as a reason to purchase numismatic coins instead of what they call bullion coins. This is a reasonable precaution but it comes with a significant price tag, because one must pay for collectors' value in addition to gold value and, if they are ever needed as barter for necessities, it is doubtful that the common man would appreciate their collector's value. In times of crisis, gold weight is what matters most. Also, there is the possibility that gold coins will not be confiscated at all, inasmuch as so few of them are in private hands today compared to 1933. At that time gold, literally, was money, and a significant proportion of the population held them. We mention this, not because we think we are smart enough to know what will happen and to make a recommendation one way or the other, but because we feel that Reality Zonedwellers should have as much knowledge about these issues as possible so they can make informed decisions for themselves.
G. Edward Griffin
Someone needs to address the facts. If there have been 4400 casualties in Iraq and 2100 in Afghanistan, why have more than 16,000 coffins been shipped home with strict enforcement of "rules" barring filming or tracking of the coffins and 19 different contractors used for the transportation? Are they lying about US Casualties, or have the coffins been used for the CIA dope trafficking operations, with the $$$$ going to the Bush / Clinton crime syndicates? Someone should openly address this to Obama, our new Commander-in-chief, who espouses "Transparency". I have asked the religious TV personalities to address the issue, but they will not touch it.
Greatview, 2009 Feb 17
Dear Mr. Griffin,
My cousin, Benjamin Lertola, goes to Carnegie Mellon University where students can create and teach their own classes. Last year I gave him a copy of your book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" and I just found out that this semester he is teaching a class on it. Apparently the class generated a lot of interest, because he has over two dozen students in it. Just thought you would like to know.
Kris Borer, 2009 Feb 16
REPLY: Indeed, I am delighted to know about this. The thirst for truth will never be quenched.
Ed Griffin
The "Stimulus" and earlier "Bailout" measures are nothing more than a "taking" of the people's credit [money] and handing that all over to the Big Banks and corporations. --WITHOUT GETTING A SINGLE THING FOR THE PEOPLE IN RETURN FOR THESE PAY-INS. It's larceny. Pure and simple. Very large.
And worse: These bills are literally thousands of pages in length, that no one in congress has read. Nor did Congress or Obama write them. They were written by lobbyists for the recipients of these funds. The bills contain hundreds of complex provisions all designed to tighten controls over we the people by leaps and bounds. You are literally seeing here in these measures the architechture of the coming police state, under construction. Nothing less. And there is nothing left out there, that can stop it, save you and me.
"Members of Congress should be made to wear coveralls like NASCAR drivers so we can identify their corporate sponsors."
Dennis Morrisseau,, 2009 Feb 15
"During an arrest, you think since you arent guilty, how can they arrest you? Why should you run away? And how can you resist right then? After all, youll only make your situation worse; youll make it more difficult for them to sort out the mistake.
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family?
"Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?
The Organs [government agencies] would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalins thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! We didnt love freedom enough. Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself."
From Walter Butler, 2009 Feb 14
Being informed is not enough.
Freedom Force awaits you here.
MAKING A KILLING: The Untold Story of Psychotropic DruggingThis documentary exposes how psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry have invented so-called mental diseases that are merely conditions of normal human experience such as shyness or anxiety. Their goal is to convince everyone they have a mental condition that must be managed by prescription drugs. This marketing ploy has led half the population into dependency on medications for the rest of their lives. People are harmed more than helped, and these drugs kill an estimated 42,000 people every year. Learn how to protect your family from this brutal money-making machine. (More)
GOLD, 3 yrs. Click for price.
SILVER, 3 yrs. Click for price.
S&P 500, 3 yrs. Click for price.
Europe & U.S. indexes, today
GENERATION RX; Children As Victims of Anti-Depressant Drugs
Follows the trail of dishonest advertising, falsified research, deceived doctors, corrupt corporate executives, distraught parents, and drugged children a trail that leads to a wave of youth aggression and suicides. Millions of young people have been falsely diagnosed as having a brain chemical imbalance and given anti-depressant drugs that are destroying their minds. Even the most informed person will be shocked by the facts and testimony in this documentary. The human race depends on exposing and then stopping this pseudo-science of death. (More)
KATANGA; THE UNTOLD STORY OF U.N. BETRAYALThis tells how the U. N., from 1960 to 1962, waged an unprovoked war against the peaceful state of Katanga and forced it under the Communist state of the Central Congo. Top U.N. personnel boasted in their public speeches and memoirs of how they pretended to be preserving law and order while actually carrying out a military operation to crush the tiny nation, all in the name of peace. We have not seen the last of U.N. so-called peace-keeping forces. Unless the further development of what is called the New World Order can be stopped, we are going to see a U.N. army used more and more to bring its peculiar brand of peace to the world. The best way to envision the future is to know the past. Black-and-white. 1991 introduction by G. Edward Griffin. Originally released as a VHS tape, this program has been re-mastered in DVD format. (More)
This New York Times Best Seller is a data mine of scientific facts showing that global warming is not caused by human activity but by solar activity and cosmic radiation and the cycle has been occurring for millions of years. The recent rise in temperature has created the most ideal climate for civilization that Earth has ever experienced. The next cycle will be colder and much less beneficial for mankind. (More)THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE
First broadcast over Great Britains public service TV station, this documentary deconstructs the myth that Global Warming is caused by human activity. World-class scientists explain that it is caused by solar activity, and that similar cycles have occurred many times in history. Solar activity recently was high, so higher temperatures are the expected result. In previous years, when industrialization was increasing at its greatest rate, temperatures went down. (More)SECRETS OF ANTIGRAVITY PROPULSION
This is a history of theories and experiments regarding antigravity travel. It is a virtual encyclopedia of data, blueprints, and photographs. Includes information on electrogravitic effects now used in advanced military craft, such as the B-2 bomber, and in missiles. Everyone with an interest in the science of harnessing gravity should have this book for the sheer enjoyment of the unfolding story and as a serious reference volume. (More)
A Discourse on Government by
G. Edward GriffinGovernment is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington
G. Edward Griffin responds to questions from a camera crew creating a video documentary on the U.S. Constitution. He answers the most difficult questions imaginable in the fields of political and social science. The depth and clarity is amazing, especially considering he is speaking extemporaneously without script or notes. In an era when many people are just now waking up to the WHAT of current events, here are issues for the brain that go far beyond that shallow pool into the deep water of WHY and HOW. (More)
by G. Edward GriffinWhere does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magician's secrets are unveiled. Here is a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A boring subject? Just wait. You'll be hooked in five minutes. It reads like a detective story which it really is, but it's all true. This book is about the most blatant scam of history. (More)
The Testimony of Yuri Bezmenov, KGB PropagandistYuri Bezmenov, the son of a high-ranking Soviet officer, was a member of the elite propaganda arm of the KGB, known as the Novasti Press Agency. One of his assignments was to accompany journalists visiting the Soviet Union to make sure they did not discover the truth about Soviet life. After becoming disillusioned with the oppressive system, he escaped to the West at great risk to his life. In this interview, conducted by G. Edward Griffin, Mr. Bezmenov tells how the Soviets used propaganda against their own citizens; how he hoodwinked American journalists into publishing Soviet propaganda, how slave laborers are concealed from foreign visitors, and how he escaped to the West posing as an American hippie. Includes many photographs brought with him on microfilm at the time of his escape.
Part 1: Life under Soviet Collectivism
Part 2: Propaganda and Mind Control
Part 3: Cultural Subversion and Escape
A Discourse by G. Edward GriffinThe author of The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve adresses such issues as: Who created the Fed? How is money created?
What impact has this had on the American Dollar? Should our currency be backed by gold or silver? Where does government get most of its funding? Why do bankers get away with it? What might happen if we continue on our current path? What might come from a return to constitutional money? (More)
FIAT EMPIRE; The Federal Reserve vs. The ConstitutionThis documentary shows how the Federal Reserve creates inflation, destabilizes the economy, causes wars, and enriches financial elitists at the expense of the common man. You will learn that the Fed is not a government agency but a banking cartel, and you will understand why many Americans view it as a sophisticated form of organized crime. (More)
A Temptation for Electronic Vote Fraud. Governments are installing computerized voting systems with no paper record to verify accuracy. Elections will be controlled by companies that do not allow voters to inspect their software. If vote counting becomes privatized, there may be no way to get it back. High-tech vote fraud is already a reality. If you value your vote, you absolutely must get this information to your friends and fast! (More)
THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO GLOBAL WARMING AND ENVIRONMENTALISMHere is scientific proof that: the Earth often has been hotter than it is now; only a tiny portion of green-house gases are man-made; most of Antarctica now is getting colder; the media only recently abandoned the global "cooling scare; and more. These facts counter the global-warming junk science that is scaring people into meekly accepting more government. (More)
The Persecution of Falun Gong
The Testimony of Charles LeeDr. Charles Lee is one of the few political prisoners held in Chinese prisons who has survived to tell about it. After receiving a medical degree in China, he came to the U.S. in 1991 for graduate study and soon thereafter became an American citizen. In 2003 he returned to China to proclaim the truth about government persecution of Falun Gong, a non-violent, spiritual movement dedicated to Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. He was arrested and sentenced to 3 years in prison where he was beaten, force-fed, and tortured, which he describes in gruesome detail in this video interview by G. Edward Griffin. On January 21, 2006, Charles was released and returned to San Francisco. Now he is a leader in the movement that has motivated millions of members of the Chinese Communist Party to resign. (More)
HEALTH MYTHS EXPOSEDA former drug-design chemist confronts ten myths that prop up a sick health-care industry. He shows that FDA-approved drugs are NOT safe and effective, pharmaceutical drugs do NOT improve the quality of life, cholesterol is NOT bad for you, and other myths. There is a surprising bonus in the section on the real cause of obesity and why dieting and appetite suppressants usually dont work and the author shows what does. That section alone is worth the price. (More)