IBM invites laid-off U.S. employees to work in India Even left now laughing at global warming Watching Our Rulers Destroy Our World
Are We Experiencing Depression-Level Unemployment?
The government bandies around scary figures concerning rising unemployment. But those figures are still well below those suffered during the Great Depression.
• UBS Boosts '09 Gold Forecast to $1,000
• Obama's Stimulus Plan Will Screw You Over!
Redefining the possibilities of the word "offshore," IBM has invited its recently laid-off U.S. workers to find work with the storied company in developing countries like India – where salaries are a fraction of what Americans are used to.
So-called "global warming" has shrunk from problem to punch line.
Our rulers are destroying the economy. Not little by little, as they usually do, but in huge swaths. Each great assault on the free market, whether it be denominated a bailout, a stimulus, or some other species of purported salvation, brings us visibly closer to the complete ruin of an economic order that required centuries to build.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
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Britannia Radio