Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Are We Experiencing Depression-Level Unemployment?
The government bandies around scary figures concerning rising unemployment. But those figures are still well below those suffered during the Great Depression.

• UBS Boosts '09 Gold Forecast to $1,000
• Obama's Stimulus Plan Will Screw You Over!

Brown says world in ‘depression,’ in latest slip
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Wednesday that the world is in a full-blown 
economic “depression,” but his office quickly scrambled to say it been a slip of the tongue.

Another Prominent Economist Forecasts Depression, Says Gold To Hit $2000
Yet another renowned economist and investor has declared that the U.S. is entering a full scale depression that will see gold prices more than double.

Watching Our Rulers Destroy Our World 
Our rulers are destroying the economy. Not little by little, as they usually do, but in huge swaths. Each great assault on the free market, whether it be denominated a bailout, a stimulus, or some other species of purported salvation, brings us visibly closer to the complete ruin of an economic order that required centuries to build.