Monday, 9 February 2009

Tell em; Tell em; Tell em; Tell em; Tell em; Tell em; Tell em; One day you'll all wake up!

As I’ve written before, crises are used to get the public into accepting

 things they otherwise would resist

In that regard, in “Global Economy Hit By Massive Wave of Job Cuts”

 (The Economic Times, January 26,

 2009), one reads that “British Prime Minister Gordon Brown insisted

 that the [current economic] crisis should ultimately give birth to

 ‘a new global order.’… 

We could view the threats and challenges we face today as the 

difficult  birth-pangs of a new global order – 

and our task now as nothing less than making the transition through 

a new internationalism to the benefits of an expanding global 


Toward that end, the saying only global solutions can solve global

problems.    Dr. Dennis Cuddy.