Bailouts, Stimulus Packages or Redistribution of Assets?
The colonists issued debt-free script in the 1700s commensurate to the demands of trade and industry. The citizens were self-sufficient and industrious. Incensed over the currency issue, England burdened the colonists with excess taxes to fund Britain’s imperialistic wars. This precipitated the Revolutionary War. Alexander Hamilton, a Rothschild agent, convinced George Washington to allow the Rothschilds to finance the war. In 1791, with a big war debt to be paid, Hamilton set up a central bank, owned by the Rothschilds and other foreigners called the First Bank of the United States with a twenty-year charter........
by Deanna Spingola
US Navy, Dept. of Defense and Environmental Impact Study
The United States Navy and the U.S. Department of Defense have decided that their Northwest Training Range Complex, in the State of Washington, should be expanded, and have devised a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), dated December 2008, for public review and comment. The expansion of their area of operation will include all of the State of Washington, all of the State of Oregon, part of the state of Idaho, and Northern California. This area will also include large areas of the Pacific Ocean from California to Washington........
by Rosalind Peterson
From Religion to Revolution: The Occult Origins of Sociopolitical Utopianism
The Gnostic pedigree of Darwinism underscores the common thread of occultism that runs throughout all sociopolitical Utopian movements. For instance, fascism’s crusade to establish its mystical union and communism’s quest to tangibly enact the apocalypse of Marxist dialectic were both scientifically dignified by Darwinism........
by Phillip Collins
Sunday, 22 February 2009
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Britannia Radio