Despite the fact that it dominated the airwaves all day yesterday, the subject of freedom of speech vis-à-vis Geert Wilders is by no means exhausted. Of all the coverage in the mainstream media, the BBC didn’t come out too badly. The best of a bad lot. Sky made a great fuss about airports, planes landing and Wilders on an escalator, but it amounted to little. What I saw of Channel 4 was pathetic. The BBC had the most memorable moment. It had to be Miliband, after condemning this vile hateful deliberately provocative film, with exquisite Comedy Timing, admitting that he hadn’t seen it. Several things struck me about the whole media coverage fiasco. 1. Hardly anyone brought up Lord Ahmed’s disgraceful threat to mobilise ten thousand Muslims if Wilders was allowed in, and no-one at all alluded to him crowing about this ‘victory for Muslims’ to the Pakistani press. 2. All the people who were speaking in support of Wilders, Baroness Cox, Lord Pearson, and co., did so in the name of free speech; they were all oh-so-careful to insist that they ‘did not agree with him’, giving the impression that they disagreed entirely with his views on Islam, rather than the more nuanced disagreement I assume they meant. (that the Koran should be banned altogether) 3. All this potential violence that is waiting to be unleashed. - Who by?” Is it to be “Islamophobic” violence against Muslims stirred up by the film, perpetrated by those violent Jews and gays? Or is it violence by members of the religion of peace, enraged at criticism of the very Jihadi extremists they are supposed to disapprove of? The content of Fitna was repeatedly described as ‘shots of horrific acts of violence juxtaposed with selected Koranic verses’. “Revolting!” “Repulsive!” In the light of the loudly proclaimed assurance by Lord Ahmed that every single word of the Koran has equal importance and is of vital significance, I can’t see many grounds for the oft heard claims that that the majority of Muslims are moderate, and that Islam is the religion of peace. Furthermore, footage of ranting mullahs and suicide bombers which furnished the most undeniable examples of incitement to hatred and violence in the film were largely overlooked. 4. As for Salma Yaqoob, the only member of last night’s QT panel who actually spoke up for Geert’s visit, (in the name of free speech, naturally,) and the member of the Quilliam Foundation, I think it was Maajid Nawaz, who spoke in a similar vein in another programme, I can’t help feeling that they were not being entirely honest. I suspect that if they hadn’t known that Geert Wilders had already been safely and securely sent packing, they would have been singing a different tune. But taking advantage of the moral high ground from a position of safety by pretending to be magnanimous wasn’t very convincing. 5. Have they banned Hizb-ut Tahrir yet? Thank you Labels: Freedom of Speech Comments: 13 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # You just knew the BBC would be all over the story apparently leaked by the oleaginous Keith Vaz that Boris Johnson swore 10 times in a private conversation. My God - what next? Pope is Catholic? Bears defecate in woods? BBC is biased? I caught an exchange between Andrew Gimson and BBC luvvie John O'Farrell on Today earlier. I find the latter individual a most unpleasant person, always ready with a sneer and so his faux outrage that Boris used the F word was as predictable as it was insubstantial. The reality of a Conservative as Mayor must drive the BBC mad and so any chance to try and undermine him is taken with relish. Labels: anti-Boris Comments: 14 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I did so enjoy the pro-radical environmentalism thought for the day on Today this morning from Abdal Hakim Murad - Muslim Chaplain at the University of Cambridge. It's always nice to start the day with such gentle reflection. Great to see such diversity. Labels: pro-Muslim, pro-radical environmentalism Comments: 4 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # If this was a Republican Presidency, the BBC would be ALL over any mistakes but of course we live in era of The One and so critical faculties are ameliorated. Yet ANOTHER Obama nominee withdraws - this time Judd Gregg. I noticed the BBC chose to present this more in terms of the GOP Senator not being prepared to embrace Obama "reach out." i.e Blame Judd, Not Obama. In actual fact, what this really demonstrates is very poor judgement by Obama as he sets a new Presidential record for failed nominees. However the BBC always tries to help their man in the White House and as B-BBC reader Jasonpicks up, it finishes this report with another unsubstantiated claim from Obama that his magic "stimulus" (transgenerational theft) will save thousands of Caterpillar jobs. Turns out this is pure rubbish, but the BBC leave that out. As we go through the early days of the Obama Presidency, BBC attempts to spin in favour of The One look more and more desperate. Labels: pro-Obama Comments: 3 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Thursday, February 12, 2009 Labels: question time Comments: 23 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # The narrative is pretty clear - it woz the Banks wot done it! The BBC is retailing the government spin that our current financial meltdown is primarily down to the reckless behaviour of the Banks - the so-called "Casino Banking". If you read this BBC article you will note that it finishes by giving the Lib-Dems the final word on the issue, allowing the wretched Nick Clegg the opportunity to push one more polished knife into the back of the Banks. But it is not that simple and we are not that gullible. Why does the BBC shy away from talking about casino politics? After more than a decade of debt driven "growth" with Brown crowing he had done away with boom and bust isn't there at least a case for Brown to answer? So why is the BBC so coy about prosecuting this as it seeks to identify all the causes of the depres...sorry recession we are now living in? During all those years when the Conservatives were in power, the BBC was in full on attack mode. But once Labour entered Downing Street, the reverse gear was engaged and a decade of benign indifference to the handling of the UK economy commenced - and clearly old habits die hard. Can you IMAGINE if Thatcher were still PM and she had assured us that she had abolished boom and bust the BBC response? But the BBC allows Brown to hunker in his bunker and instead reserves the bile for the Bankers. Labels: anti-business, pro Labour biasBiased BBC Friday, February 13, 2009
sue #Geert
David Vance #
Friday, 13 February 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 11:15