Did you catch this item on Today just after 7.30am discussing the issue of polygamy and Islam? The topic was, correctly in my view, raised by Baroness Warsi, and her view is that in the UK one man should be legally married to one woman. Naturally dark ages Islam finds such concepts difficult but in this lengthy broadcast item by Zubeida Malik, the clear impression given was the mainstream Islam, and all good Imams, oppose polygamy and it is not the way of the Religion of Peace. Total and absolute nonsense. The BBC is prepared to turn truth on its head in order not to offend tender Islamic sensibilities and in this regard, for once, I applaud Warsi for saying that which the BBC dhimmis find untenable -- namely that BRITISH law should operate in this United Kingdom, not the tenets of Sharia. Labels: dhimmis, pro-Islam, pro-Sharia Comments: 42 (unread) - Biased BBC HomeBiased BBC Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday, 20 February 2009
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Britannia Radio