The BBC seems to be at the fore for propagating the Government view that any bonus payment is wrong if tax-payers money is involved. Currently the banks are at the heart of this debate, with the likes of little Yvette Cooper popping up on the Today programme this morning to demand that bankers exercise "moral responsibility" and forego any bonus payments to which they may be legally entitled. Perhaps that it fair enough given the deplorable state of some banks management but what about all those juicy bonus payments that so enrich those who work for the NHS Trusts, who work in the Civil Service, who work in Local Government, and who work for the BBC? Isn't it "morally responsible" for all of them at all levels to show restraint at this difficult time and walk away from all such tax-payer funded largesse? Or is the chance to beat up on the private finance sector just to good an opportunity for Labour to pass? Labels: anti-business Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # There is NOTHING the BBC likes more than the chance to shill for terrorists, sorry, I meant militants. Hence we were treated to another five minute ad for "Britain" Binyam Mohamad on Today this morning. Ethiopian illegal immigrant Mohamad is now an official BBC cause celebre and the fact that this captured Jihadist ticks all the boxes for the BBC clearly adds to his attraction. His only crime was to be caught but now he will get more time devoted to him than all those many victims of Jihad. The BBC doesn't give a damn about real victims when there are those like Binyam to celebrate. Labels: pro Islam Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Sunday, February 08, 2009 Just a quick alert to all B-BBC readers to have an onion handy when Abu Bowen presents the latest pro-Palestinian lovefest on the BBC. Tune in, if you dare, tomorrow night to Panorama to hear Bowen give a little pre-Israeli election onslaught on the reputation of Israel. Labels: anti-Israel, pro HamasBiased BBC Monday, February 09, 2009
David Vance #
Monday, 9 February 2009
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Britannia Radio