The BBC has been swooning at the success of the film "Slumdog Millionaire" at the Oscars all morning. I haven't seen the movie yet so can't comment on it but I do note that several of the young people that star in the movie repeatedly refer to their home city as "Bombay". The BBC really must have a word with them - don't they know it is Mumbai? Labels: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS Comments: 17 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Labels: open thread Comments: 16 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I had to laugh at the outrageously easy ride that Alistair Darling was afforded by Sarah Montague on the BBC this morning. Did you catch the "interview"? Here it is if you dare to listen. In essence, Darling was allowed to repeat the narrative that Labour is "re-building the banking sector" (That it helped destroy) and that he and Prudence are now preparing for "the recovery phase." Now Darling is atrocious at the best of times but in all fairness he managed to get through this "interview" without even the vaguest hint that Labour has been up to its' scrawny neck in creating the mess in which our financial system finds itself. I also noted that Montague suggests that banks are "too big to fail". Who says so? Perhaps they are too big to subsidise? It strikes me that that the BBC sees this entire financial crisis as an opportunity to extend the reach of The State and this colours interviews such as this. Labels: pro Labour bias Comments: 6 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Let's be honest - Israel will never get a break on the BBC . The latter is institutionally pro-Palestinian and really struggles to disguise this each time this issue comes up. Earlier this morning, on Today, this was manifest in this item on (Sh)Amnesty International's report accusing Israel and Hamas of war crimes and demanding an arms embargo against the Israeli state and "armed Palestinian groups". No surprise there, I think anyone who has familiarity with AI knows that it is profoundly and sickeningly anti-Israeli but what interested me was how the BBC chose to cover this. It gave Gaza correspondent and donkey expert Aleem Maqboolthe opportunity to glowingly propagandise on behalf of Hamas painting Israeli forces as homicidal monsters who deliberately target children before then switching to an accusatory interview with Israeli government spokesmen Mark Regev. I thought Regev countered quite well but the James Naughtie seemed a/ Disappointed that Hamas rockets were less effective than Israeli rockets and b/ Determined to ensure that the listener was left with the impression that Israel was the guilty party even when defending itself. Labels: anti-Israel, pro Hamas Comments: 15 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Sunday, February 22, 2009 Yet another day and another attack on our police, this time by the Orwellian entitled Justice Secretary Jack Straw, and gleefully reported by the BBC. This report starts by the spineless Straw suggesting that the Met is "no longer" institutionally racist (back-handed compliment there, lads) before he helpfully adds that there may still be "pockets of racism" within the force. It's a perpetual motif of BBC reporting, this denigration of the British police. The idea being reinforced time after time is that racism is endemic and only the brave advocates of left-wingism can save us from it. The BBC sees this as an article of faith and never misses the chance to further propagate it. Labels: anti-police Comments: 30 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Accidentally switched on Nicky Campbell's "Big Question" on BBC1 and was impressed to see a Sharia Judge in the audience as the topic of "Are Men's sins worse than women's" was discussed. It's remarkable how the multiculti uber alles motif runs right through the rancid BBC even on a Sunday morning. This programme is an absolute freak-show. Labels: Nicky Campbell. Comments: 25 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Saturday, February 21, 2009 Anyone catch the BBC coverage of the news that our Dear Leader is off to see Obama in ten days time? Weren't they bigging it up for our Gordon? I've been criticised for saying this elsewhere but it seems to me that this meeting is one that matters much much more to Brown than to Obama. It strikes me that Prudence has all the significance of a worm to the US President, window-dressing at best. But I suppose it helps Gordon move the news agenda away from leadership plots so the BBC sycophancy does serve some purpose! Your views? Labels: save gordonBiased BBC Monday, February 23, 2009
David Vance #
David Vance #
Monday, 23 February 2009
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Britannia Radio