Sunday, 8 February 2009

Biased BBC
Sunday, February 08, 2009
David Vance #


I see that Carol Thatcher has received death threats over her alleged 'golliwog' comment about a tennis player.

Miss Thatcher, who has taken refuge in Switzerland following the furore over the incident, is said to be considering suing the BBC over her dismissal from The One Show. Her agent said: 'It's been an awful time. We've even had death threats.'

If this is true - should she not report the BBC to the police? After all, several BBC "personalities" (aka license fee parasites) have been keen to rush to the media and report on alleged comments made off-air. In doing so, have they endangered Carol Thatcher's life? And I wonder WHO might be making death threats against her? Have these intrepid seekers of truth not gone after THAT angle?

This entire "golliwog" story is back to front. The word is not illegal, the usage is not proven - this is all BBC driven hysteria. We know nothing of the context of the comments, nor do I quite understand why a private conversation can be so very publicly trailed through the media. Well, that's not true. It's to ensure damage to the brand Thatcher, to associate it with racism, and to extol the right-on vanities of hypocrites such as Jo Brand and Adrian Chiles.


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David Vance #


Oh dear - read this and then feel so sorry for all those working for the Foreign Office. Do you feel their pain? This article is loaded from start to finish with pro-F.O. spin and yet the same rotten BBC that report this blithely dismiss the worries of British business that is being crippled by the same falling Pound vs the Euro /Dollar by pretending that our "exports" will more than compensate for the devastation caused by Brown's financial incompetence. The F.O. always get a sympathetic press from the BBC and I put this down to the fact that it, like the BBC, is infested with traitorous vipers who loath everything great about Britain.


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David Vance #


The BBC seems obsessed in continually advancing the gay agenda. It seems that whatever the subject the BBC can somehow find an angle to bring in the gay perspective. Take this piece it is running today about much easier it is to be gay in the NHS as it promotes the values of the Gay and Lesbian Association of Doctors and Dentists (Gladd). Why can we not discuss the virtues or otherwise of the NHS without having to contemplate the sexual preferences of those within it? I don't care if the doctor treating me is straight, bi, gay, I just want a competent medical practitioner. But the BBC has to present this all through a pink prism. Why?


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Saturday, February 07, 2009
sue #

Hypocrite's Cakewalk Sarah Montague surpassed herself the other day with her barely concealed contempt for Israel's spokesman Mark Regev. This brought home the fact that it is now the norm to hate Israel, and that hatred has come to include Britain's Jews. Melanie Phillips has an alarming article which has attracted some suitably alarming comments.

The ever-increasing acceptability of antisemitic slurs and insinuations by all and sundry is in stark contrast to the hypocritical BBC furore over perceived racism inherent in the word golliwog.

Over the years the BBC has whipped up the public into a frenzy of righteous indignation. They portrayed recent events in Gaza in the uniquely emotive way that always accompanies anything to do with Israel.

Honest reporting has this review. The BBC is not the only offender, but it is probably the most influential, and it is the one that want us to believe it's impartial.

This is my first post, so please forgive any peculiarities.


Comments: 30 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


I happened to tune in to the BBC's "Any Answers" a little earlier today. It was fascinating to hear caller after caller demonise the UK banking sector, demanding an end to bonus culture and the possible arrest and prosecution of senior bankers. There was also a call to stop the payment of bonus payments in the private sector. (No mention of the huge bonus payments the BBC have been awarding themselves for years now, oddly enough) It appears that the banks have been solely responsible for our current economic predicaments. Then the telephone hordes got stuck into Carol Thatcher with virtually 100% support for the brave BBC decision to get rid of her for the use of the word "golliwog" in a private conversation. Little short of her public execution would have satisfied some of these moonbats. It's remarkable how so many of the people who get through the switchboard are so overwhelmingly supportive of the BBC, isn't it?


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Laban #