Accidentally switched on Nicky Campbell's "Big Question" on BBC1 and was impressed to see a Sharia Judge in the audience as the topic of "Are Men's sins worse than women's" was discussed. It's remarkable how the multiculti uber alles motif runs right through the rancid BBC even on a Sunday morning. This programme is an absolute freak-show. Labels: Nicky Campbell. Saturday, February 21, 2009 Anyone catch the BBC coverage of the news that our Dear Leader is off to see Obama in ten days time? Weren't they bigging it up for our Gordon? I've been criticised for saying this elsewhere but it seems to me that this meeting is one that matters much much more to Brown than to Obama. It strikes me that Prudence has all the significance of a worm to the US President, window-dressing at best. But I suppose it helps Gordon move the news agenda away from leadership plots so the BBC sycophancy does serve some purpose! Your views? Labels: save gordon Comments: 38 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # My thanks to B-BBC contributor George R for pointing out this little gem. I suppose the fact that ONLY 400 BBC employees protest in favour of Gaza relief is the really shocking statistic. It would be very interesting to see the names of all these stalwart advocates for Jihad relief. Any evidence of similar protests by BBC staff in favour of Israel? Labels: pro-palestinian Comments: 10 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I see the BBC gives that paragon of political integrity Peter Hain (!) the chance to sound off on the "shock" BNP victory in the local council election in Sevenoaks. Wonder will the BBC's political experts consider why it is that the increase in BNP votes seems remarkably proportionate to the decrease in Labour votes? The BBC and others on the political left portray the BNP as "extreme-right"even though it is essentially socialist in nature. So when it becomes clearer by the day that the advance of the BNP is related to the retreat of Labour, perhaps the BBC may like to consider asking some tougher questions of Mr Hain. Labels: BNPBiased BBC Sunday, February 22, 2009
David Vance #
Sunday, 22 February 2009
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Britannia Radio