The narrative is pretty clear - it woz the Banks wot done it! The BBC is retailing the government spin that our current financial meltdown is primarily down to the reckless behaviour of the Banks - the so-called "Casino Banking". If you read this BBC article you will note that it finishes by giving the Lib-Dems the final word on the issue, allowing the wretched Nick Clegg the opportunity to push one more polished knife into the back of the Banks. But it is not that simple and we are not that gullible. Why does the BBC shy away from talking about casino politics? After more than a decade of debt driven "growth" with Brown crowing he had done away with boom and bust isn't there at least a case for Brown to answer? So why is the BBC so coy about prosecuting this as it seeks to identify all the causes of the depres...sorry recession we are now living in? During all those years when the Conservatives were in power, the BBC was in full on attack mode. But once Labour entered Downing Street, the reverse gear was engaged and a decade of benign indifference to the handling of the UK economy commenced - and clearly old habits die hard. Can you IMAGINE if Thatcher were still PM and she had assured us that she had abolished boom and bust the BBC response? But the BBC allows Brown to hunker in his bunker and instead reserves the bile for the Bankers. Labels: anti-business, pro Labour bias Comments: 4 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Just a little reminder that a week has flown by and tonight we face another episode of Question Time Live! Here's the panel of charmers the BBC has lined up for our edification - Liam Byrne, Justine Greening, Salma Yaqoob, Kelvin MacKenzie and Monty Don. I'll be here this evening and hope you will be able to join us - it's a dirty job but someone has to do it! Labels: question time Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # It was a change to hear a GLib-Dem voice other than Vince Cable on Today this morning! The publicity hungry Chris Huhne was interviewed by John Humphrys on the topic of the barring of Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders from the UK. Huhne was, being a good latter-day liberal, all in favour of refusing entry to Mr Wilders. There proceeded a tortuous interview with Humphyrs rightly questioning the logic (or lack of) in what Huhne (and by definition Jacqui Smith and co) are saying. I found Huhne just your average pathetic dhimmi but I felt that Humphyrs could have pressed a bit harder. Did you hear this and if so what is your view of BBC coverage of the jackboot tactic of Ms Smith? I think the BBC know it is an erosion of free speech but they are still dhimmified and so struggle to express any real outrage at this government decision. Labels: dhimmis Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Interesting article here in the Guardian of all places suggesting that recent "apocalyptic predictions" about Arctic ice melt and soaring temperatures are as bad as claims that global warming does not exist. (I'm not sure anyone says global warming does not exist, some of us query the factors driving it!) The reason I bring this up is that I just watched part of the new David Attenborough series "Nature's Great Events" on BBC1 and was struck by his constant evangelising on behalf of AGW. Anyone else see it? Great imagery but lots of scaremongery! Labels: agw Comments: 31 (unread) - Biased BBC Home sue # Please tell me I’m wrong. I can’t find anything on the BBC about the message Geert Wilders has received from Irving N. Jones on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Home department. (If anyone hasn’t seen Fitna yet it can be seen on Jihad Watch). Pull the other one. Whatever side you're on, it's certainly a big news story, but maybe the BBC thinks making a big fuss would threaten community harmony and therefore public security. If the BBC is not reporting this, or is playing it down, it is far more sinister than just another victory for Lord Ahmed. A report has now appeared on the BBC website. Was I too quick to post or was the BBC a bit slow?Biased BBC Thursday, February 12, 2009
David Vance #
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 10:22