Comments: 4 (unread) - Biased BBC Home sue # Labels: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS Comments: 34 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance #Biased BBC Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Natalie #Two quick linksDespite these conservative views the Metropolitan Police has sought Abdurraheem Green's advice recently. And the preacher himself insists that in spite of hisconservative views about life in Britain he is "part of the solution" to extremism because young people listen to him. "I surely have said some pretty radical things and maybe even written some radical things in the past," he told Panorama. "But one thing I have been very consistent on is terrorism, participating in terrorist activities, violent revolution - is not something that I have ever thought was part of the religion of Islam." Some senior police officers argue it is vital to work withradicals because they have credibility amongst young British Muslims. But some moderate scholars warn this is a dangerous road. Sheikh Musa Admani, imam at London Metropolitan University, says if advice is sought from the radicals, or if they are funded with public money, then "Muslims are going to endorse them as a whole and so there's the danger".
All emphases added. It is not clear to me whether Sheik Musa Admani actually used the term radical himself, but the sentence about senior police officers is certainly the wording of the BBC writer. How odd that he or she uses the antithetical terms "conservative" and "radical" almost interchangeably.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Hilarious conversation with Hazel Blears and John Humphrys about new policy against political correctness. (Inability to mention certain things.) This new policy of abandoning political correctness, (Unfortunately P.C. prevents us from saying out loud what we really mean,) is, for some coincidental reason, designed to prevent radicalisation. Up till now political correctness has prevented us from making jokes about the Irish, Welsh or Scots. (To name just a few.)“Of course we mustn’t allow racist jokes. People will say we don’t want any part of that. Because it’s not even funny’ (Well, not always) "Muslims are not offended by us celebrating Christmas! We celebrate their rituals, after all." "Sorry, political correctness prevents us from telling us exactly who we’re afraid will be radicalised. "
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