of getting donations for the Labour party for honours - though some
of it was withdrawn when discovered. He was implicated in the death
of David Kelly and numerous other items of sleaze and dodgy
behaviour. But still he is feted.
With MEPs being able to milk their expenses for vast sums with MPs
exploiting their “2nd home” allowances there is little honour left in
public life. What is worse the people shrug their shoulders and pass
by on the other side.
That’s Britain today, partly created by Tony Blair. THAT’s his legacy.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
Tony Blair cashing in after launching economic advice firm
Tony Blair is to cash in on his experience as prime minister after
establishing a business offering clients political and economic advice.
By Murray Wardrop
He has set up the commercial partnership, called Tony Blair
Associates, after receiving permission from an official government
watchdog, which scrutinises paid employment undertaken by former
The joint enterprise will provide "strategic advice on political and
economic trends and governmental reform", according to the Advisory
Committee on Business Appointments.
It is thought to be the first time that a former British prime
minister has launched a money-spinning venture based entirely around
their experience at the helm of government.
The firm is the latest scheme employed by the 55-year-old to cash in
on his record as Britain's longest-serving Labour prime minister.
Since leaving office in June 2007, Mr Blair is said to have raked in
up to £15 million from a variety of business deals, including a £4.5
million advance for his Downing Street memoirs.
News of Tony Blair Associates was announced through the ACOBA
website, which disclosed that the firm was established this month.
The statement reads: "Tony Blair has established Tony Blair
Associates which will allow him to provide, in partnership with
others, strategic advice on both a commercial and pro-bono basis, on
political and economic trends and governmental reform."
It adds that the committee "sees no reason why he should not set up
the firm forthwith".
Although Mr Blair's official role as an international peace envoy in
the Middle East is unpaid, he earns significant sums of money through
a variety of sidelines.
He takes a £2.5million salary as a part-time adviser to the American
investment bank JP Morgan Chase and £2million for an advisory role
with the Swiss firm Zurich Financial Services.
He is also reported to command six-figure sums on the after-dinner
lecture circuit. A Spanish newspaper reported last year that he
earned up to £240,000 for making a 90-minute speech to 2,000
entrepreneurs in Barcelona.
Blair also receives a taxpayer-funded pension of £63,468 a year, plus
an annual £84,000 allowance to run a private office.
Any money from Tony Blair Associates may not have to be declared
publicly. Mike Warburton, a senior tax partner at the accountants
Grant Thornton, said that if the venture had been set up as a simple
partnership rather than as a limited company, it would not have to
make public its income and profit.
THE SUN 23.2.09
GORDON BROWN comes under fire for landing us in this economic mess –
not least from me. But what about Tony Blair, who gave the Chancellor
his head and is now gliding around the world as if he had nothing to
do with it?
Amazingly, TB is adding to his fortune with a “commercial
partnership”, offering clients tips on economics and politics.
advice from a man who is economically illiterate and led us into Iraq?