Predictably last week, when the 32,000 ton French aircraft carrier Clemenceau was towed into a breakers' yard on Tees-side to be dismantled, headlines reported that this was arousing angry protests from â environmentalists'. A BBC news item led on an interview with one such â environmentalist' complaining that Able UK, the firm responsible for the largest ship-breaking contract in Europe, had â no experience', didn't have a dry dock and was preparing to strip down this huge ship, carrying hundreds of tons of deadly asbestos, in the middle of an internationally-recognised nature reserve, Had the BBC done a little more homework it might have hesitated before leading its report on such a travesty of the facts. Far from being inexperienced, Able has since 1986 built up its reputation as the most expert dismantler of ships, oil rigs and power stations in the world. Far from not having a dry dock, it has the largest there is. And exhaustive studies have shown that, like the Hartlepool power station next door, it co-habits perfectly happily with the waders in the Ramsar-accredited nature reserve across the water. The BBC did at least then allow Able's CEO Peter Stephenson to explain in a measured way that the Clemenceau will only be broken up in the safest and most environmentally responsible fashion, But he was followed by a tight-lipped Environment Agency official implying that the only reason for this would be the draconian requirements imposed on the firm by the agency. The truth is that the BBC could have reported this in a totally different way. Instead of giving the story such a negative slant, it could have explained that Able's whole purpose has been to build up a reputation as the most efficient yard in the world for breaking up and recycling potentially dangerous ships, which might otherwise have to be dismantled on a beach in India by swarms of underpaid labourers, regardless of safety rules. Far from arousing the wrath of â environmentalists', apart from the local activist to whose wild claims the BBC gave such prominence, Able has won the respect of Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, who have both commended the expertise with which it plans to break up the Clemenceau. Far from acting responsibly only thanks to the eagle-eyed regulators of the Environment Agency, Able 's success rests on being as careful as possible with both its workers and the environment, knowing what it is doing rather better than any official jobsworth. In other words, we might well acclaim a British firm which can beat off all competition by doing something useful as well as it can be done (and providing 200 local jobs into the bargain). That is why Able is the only firm in Europe capable of safely dismantling the former flagship of the French navy, along with five former US Navy ships full of the genuinely dangerous brown form of asbestos (as opposed to the white asbestos cement with which it is so shamelessly confused by campaigners). Instead of looking round for ways to niggle, we should be prepared to cheer that, in these dark times, this country can still produce a firm with the enterprise and expertise to become a world-beater, in carrying out a task which even the more responsible environmentalists recognise as being highly necessary. * Inevitably Australia's vociferous "Greenies" have been blaming Victoria's fire disaster (and hottest temperatures for 100 years) on "global warming". But many angry Victorians are blaming the scale of this catastrophe on the Green campaigners themselves, who for some years have been successfully lobbying for stringent new laws to forbid clearing trees and scrub to create fire-breaks around towns and homesteads. Several experts have testified that the resulting accumulation of tinder-dry vegetation was a major contributor to the tragedy. In 2004 Liam Sheahan of Ready Creek, Victoria, famously lost $100,000 when he was prosecuted for felling 247 trees to protect his property. Last week his house was the only one in the area left standing. * In May 2000, in the first flush of his enthusiasm for integrating Britain's defence effort with the EU, Tony Blair signed up to buy 25 A400M transport aircraft for the RAF, to replace our ageing Hercules fleet. Delivery was promi sed by 2006. After many delays, it was last week announced that the first A400s, now costing £100 million each, cannot be delivered until 2014 or even later - an overrun much longer than both world wars put together. We could still buy replacement Hercules from the US, off the shelf at £40 million each, less than half the cost. But such are the joys of "integration" with our European partners.The world-beating British firm that has undertaken the recycling of a French aircraft carrier should be lauded, says Christopher Booker.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
The breaking news the BBC wouldn't tell
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Britannia Radio