Wednesday, 4 February 2009

The Cameron speech was - in my opinion at the time - so vacuous and 
lacking in content that I only gave a brief mention in my "Cut 
spending say public but not politicians, + Friday round-up 
30.1.09)".  It would seem I was wrong.  The speech was dangerous , 
shallow  and designed to appeal to the unthinking, those with a mass 
of ingrained prejudices.

I am glad therefore, that Heffer has pulled it to pieces.  His style 
is often not to the taste of many, especially to those who don't like 
controversy, but here it is measured and important.

It would seem that we will be asked to choose at van election between 
two parties - one that has wrecked our economy and one that proposes 
to wreck what's left of it!   What a choice!  You can see why people 
flirt with the extreme BNP - it's desperation.

Following this and also today Irwin Steltzer deals with the same 
choice but from a more 'nuts-and-bolts' and immediate standpoint. It 
is a pity that he fails to come to any conclusion!

Either way I come more and more to the conclusion that the answer  to 
my question yesterday -"THE FUTURE.  Do we have one?" is NO!

xxxxxx cs
TELEGRAPH     4.2.09
1. David Cameron's 'moral' capitalism is no better than socialism
The Tory leader has revealed his true colours - he misunderstands the 
market, argues Simon Heffer.

Because of the disaster Gordon Brown has made of our economy, 
ensuring that we (according to the International Monetary Fund) have 
the worst recession of any developed country, it may now be difficult 
for him to win an election. Therefore interest turns to what the 
Conservative Party might do were it in power. Let us mark one thing: 
that a Conservative victory some time in the next 16 months will have 
nothing to do with the alternative that party offers to the 
electorate, other than the specific alternative of its not being the 
Labour Party.

In case you think I am merely being beastly to Mr Cameron again, 
please do me one courtesy. Go to the internet and type "Cameron moral 
capitalism" into Google. Within moments you will read the text of a 
speech the putative next prime minister gave at Davos last week to an 
audience of people who, unlike him, must make serious and informed 
decisions about the use of capital every day.

I understate my case to say that it is one of the most shallow 
speeches by a supposedly serious politician that I have ever read. It 
should also terrify anyone who might feel he or she should vote 
Conservative at the next election, because it promises that what we 
should get would in most respects be little better than what we have.

My first thought was the quizzical one about Mr Cameron's speaking on 
this subject in the first place. In pure terms it is a tautology. 
Capitalism is deeply moral and hardly needs the adjective to qualify 
it. It is moral because it is about the exercise of free will between 
buyers and sellers: and few things can be more moral than allowing 
someone to be free. Capitalism is about the link between effort and 
reward. It is about the creation of wealth according to the quality 
of one's enterprise. Without wealth creation there is no scope for 
the taxation that enables the functions society deems moral: a 
welfare state, the defence of the realm, the maintenance of law and 
order. So anybody who feels he needs to make a speech about 
capitalism while qualifying it in this way at once raises the 
suspicion that he is being in some degree specious.

I hope you have read the speech, but if not I shall try to give a 
fair summary of it. Mr Cameron argued that the "old orthodoxy" 
appeared to have failed; and though it had its good aspects, it 
manifestly also had bad ones. In the ideal world that he, but few 
actual capitalists, inhabit, it would be desirable to remove the bad 
aspects (the activities of something he calls "the global corporate 
juggernaut") and have only the good ones ("vibrant local economies", 
whatever the hell that means).

It is a typical, all-things-to-all-men, Cameron speech. He claims he 
supports business: and then suggests an operation of "capitalism" 
that would make it impossible for business as conventional capitalism 
understands it to function effectively. I can only construe from his 
words that this is a world where, for example, there are more corner 
shops and fewer Tescos. But why is Tesco so powerful? Because its 
customers, exercising their free will, have made it so. We clearly 
need to bring an end to that.

Given his lack of intellectualism, Mr Cameron may not have read Atlas 
Shrugged, the epic novel by the American philosopher Ayn Rand in 
which a man discovers the secret of perpetual motion and becomes 
excessively rich by putting many of his less intelligent competitors 
out of business. The newly poor - poor because they failed to give 
the public what they wanted at a price they were prepared to pay - 
demand a Fair Shares Law, whereby they are compensated for their lack 
of brains and risk-taking by the enterprises who do make money. And, 
lo, Mr Cameron complains about our capitalism having been "winner 
takes all", an assertion that is fundamentally untrue (for capitalism 
has enriched almost everyone in the free world to some degree) but 
would not be immoral even if it were. After all, those who take the 
risks and have the superior judgment should have the rewards: 
anything else is communism.

"People are angry with capitalism," he says, showing again that what 
drives him is not an attachment to principle but an obsession with 
focus groups. "We've got a lot of capital but not many capitalists 
and people rightly think that isn't fair." For pity's sake, has he 
actually thought about what those words mean? Not only are they not 
what most people would understand as "Conservative"; they are some 
way to the left of Mr Brown.

He complains about the "absence of a moral framework" from 
capitalism. It shows his profound misunderstanding of the term 
"capitalism"; it echoes the misunderstanding that he and his 
decerebrated shadow chancellor have had of this crisis ever since it 
began to develop.

All he wants is for the state to regulate capitalism more or less out 
of existence: and it won't do to say that he is pro-business, because 
everything else he says contradicts that.

"Markets are a means to an end, not an end in themselves," he says, 
in one of the clichés that pepper this speech and reveal the 
collection of small minds that were at work on it ("the stakes are 
high" and "the devil is in the details" are two more depressing 

But markets are the place in which the exercise of the free will of 
buyers and sellers takes place. How else would Mr Cameron have it? It 
can only be that free will should be restrained by some means or 
other; and how will that make us happier, when it will make us, in 
the end, a socialist-style wealth-limiting, freedom-starved command 

The Davos speech terrifies for what it says about the Tories' 
approach to the government in which they may quite soon find 
themselves. Yet it is also meaningless, for the obtuse and infantile 
understanding Mr Cameron and his friends appear to have of the 
operation of capitalism would soon be corrected by global realities.

I just wish he would work out why this crisis has happened, but he 
still hasn't. There was a massive expansion of the money supply in 
western economies and in the developing ones too, whether China, 
India or Brazil. This expansion, which was the fault of governments 
because it is they who control the money supply, put trillions of 
dollars of cheap money at the disposal of bankers and other 
institutions who make a living by buying cheap - in this case buying 
money cheap - and selling dear.

Hundreds of millions of mortgagors, entrepreneurs and other consumers 
then took individual decisions about exercising their free will to 
borrow this money from those institutions. The institutions 
frequently made the mistake (and capitalism is, as much as any risk-
taking activity, about the right to make a mistake) of lending to 
people who couldn't pay it back. This does not mean that capitalism 
itself is bad: it means that many who practise it are reckless 
(though they have learnt a lesson now), and that those who control 
money supplies and regulate banks were reckless too.

Sovietising capitalism out of existence, as Mr Cameron proposes, is 
nowhere near the answer. Until he works out what the answer might be, 
he would do us all, but especially himself, a great favour by 
resuming his period of embarrassed silence.

2. Ken Clarke has joined Gordon Brown's blind march to ruin
Unfortunately, the economic evidence favours the Tory pessimists, 
says Irwin Stelzer.

Irwin Stelzer

Recessions make strange bedfellows. On the Left we have the team of 
Gordon Brown, Vladimir Putin, and Wen Jiabao, the leaders of the UK, 
Russia and China. None has been elected to his job by his nation's 
electorate; all preside over troubled economies; all are united 
behind the proposition that their own peerless leadership could not 
offset the bungling and greed of the Americans.

Never mind that Putin has scared off investment from abroad by 
confiscating foreign capital, threatening foreign executives and 
generally condoning an atmosphere of threat and lawlessness. 
Economists rarely agree on very much, but they do agree that without 
the rule of law and private property rights, no economy can prosper.

Forget that Wen presides over an economy heavily dependent on his 
manipulation of the currency to keep it below market value. That has 
caused distortions in trade flows that contributed to too-low 
interest rates in the West.

Then there is Gordon Brown, who after a decade running the UK economy 
now contends his leadership was flawless - avert your eyes from the 
huge increase in private and public debt and the swollen welfare 
state that has created entire regions in Britain that depend on the 
state for more than 70 per cent of their economic activity. Nothing 
to do with him, all the fault of American bankers, who somehow forced 
UK banks to acquire toxic assets under Brown's very nose. Brown has 
rediscovered an earlier hero, John Maynard Keynes, an advocate of 
government spending during recessions - and, less cited by Brown, 
budget surpluses during boom times.

So much for the statist trio. On the Right we have the unlikely 
alliance of David Cameron and George Osborne with Ken Clarke. Cameron 
and Osborne think Brown might be forced to follow in the footsteps of 
Jim Callaghan, who in 1976 called in the International Monetary Fund 
to bail out the UK. If forced to concede that he could not save 
Britain, much less the world, Brown would contend that the experience 
proves he was right all along. After all, hasn't he been saying that 
the solution to Britain's ills requires action by international bodies?

Clarke, famous for his unwillingness to do the hard work required to 
master any issue, has contradicted his more cerebral shadow cabinet 
colleagues: his intuition tells him that the British economy is not 
in such dire straits as Cameron and Osborne believe. The Tories are 
paying a high price for Cameron's decision that a touch of blokeyness 
is a necessary offset to the Etonian tone of the shadow cabinet.

The fact is that Cameron and Osborne are more likely to be right than 
are Brown and Clarke. The pound has fallen by 30 per cent since the 
crisis started, as much as before Callaghan called in the IMF. The 
deficit is headed towards 10 per cent of GDP.

Worse still, three factors support the gloomy view of the thoughtful 
segment of the shadow cabinet. First is confidence, or its lack. Jim 
Rogers, dismissed by Brown as a "self-interested speculator", is 
instead a well-regarded investor and the former partner of George 
Soros. When Rogers talks, people listen. "I would urge you to sell 
any sterling you might have. It's [Britain is] finished. I hate to 
say it, but I would not put any money in the UK." Confidence is so 
shaky that these words caused the largest one-day drop in the pound 
since the Wednesday in 1992 when sterling was expelled from the 
European Exchange Rate Mechanism.

Second, an increasing number of experts agree with the IMF that 
Britain's recession will be more severe and prolonged than those of 
most other industrialised countries. As David Cameron pointed out in 
Davos: "As the OECD, the IMF, and the ECB have all said, if your 
country can't afford it, a fiscal stimulus is a very bad idea." And 
Britain can't afford it, largely because of the high level of 
government spending and debt in the fat years.

Cameron could have cited two other authorities. Chancellor Alistair 
Darling concedes that Britain has a harder row to hoe than other 
countries because of its greater reliance on the decimated financial 
sector. And Ken Rogoff, the respected Harvard economist, says: "The 
banking sector is not stable. The hole is too big and it is not 

Third, the Government seems unable to develop a credible anti-
recession policy. A whirlwind of prime ministerial activity is no 
substitute for a coherent policy. Brown had it right at the beginning 
when he focused on the banks. But he added bail-outs of the car 
industry, the broadbanding of Britain, a derisory and expensive cut 
in VAT, a ministerial group to shepherd the pharmaceutical industry - 
all adding to a soaring deficit. Being rational, consumers have 
reined in their spending in preparation for the inevitable rainy, 
taxing day.

Gordon Brown's reason for dismissing these warnings is obvious: he 
will soon, finally, have to face the voters. Ken Clarke comes to the 
same conclusion as the data-heavy Prime Minister, but relying on his 
intuition. Meanwhile, the markets seem to be saying that all roads 
lead to the IMF. Fortunately, recent experience suggests that markets 
at times overreact to downswings as well as upswings. If Brown is 
lucky, this will be one of those occasions.