Crux AM update:
12 reasons to short gold
Even if you don't agree with the guy, he has some interesting points.
The ethanol industry is crashing
A dumb, uneconomical idea gets even dumber.
China must buy more U.S. debt… "it is the only option"
China announced it will continue buying U.S. Treasuries, simply because it’s the only possible investment for the country’s funds.
Why mass bankruptcies would be great for America
"The fools would learn a hard lesson about saving and spending…"
Homebuilder chairman sells $124 million in stock
NVR founder Dwight Schar dumped over 300,000 shares.
The world's top stock market this year
Analysts claim it's signaling an economic recovery already…
If you pay taxes, you should be furious after reading this
Even the Congressional Budget Office thinks the stimulus is a bad idea.
The Daily Crux
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio