A Cry For The Children
The American people have become some of the most drugged up, dumbed down, brain-numbed, and media-manipulated people in the history of known civilization. The inability or unwillingness of the citizenry to examine what they are being told, to research and dig for documentation, and to demand answers to key questions of their public officials will be the chief factor in America’s demise........
Darren Weeks
Your Chief Adversary
Someone other than the legislators writes the legislation. Someone other than the senators and representatives decides what must be approved and what must be rejected. The so-called legislators merely put their unthinking sanction on packages they are told to approve. There is no need for them to read the legislation because they are not expected to think about what they are doing. They are not even expected to represent the thinking of voters in their states. There is no sense denying this fact because.......
by Erica Carle
The U.S. is Stuck in Frankenstein's Laboratory
We are sadly in a time in our country when we have no choice left but to fight for it. Notice I didn’t say gossip about it with friends, scream about it over coffee or give up because of depression or apathy! The U.S. is now being dissected in Frankenstein’s laboratory. Lets see, a little arm of Internationalism and submission to global elites here and a mangled leg of Marxism there. Here we see a.......
by Laurie Roth
How Old is The Earth?
Many Christians are under the impression that if you believe the Bible, then you must believe that the earth is 6,000 years old. But is this so? Christians come to the 6,000 year conclusion, not based on something the Bible says about the age of the earth, but by tracking the biblical genealogies from Jesus back to Adam, which add up to.......
by Bill Sizemore
Friday, 20 February 2009
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Britannia Radio