Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Daily Briefing

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Donate Now | Share This Email

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Victory for Livni, but real winner still uncertain

Kadima's Tzipi Livni, right, edged out Likud's Benjamin Netanyahu, left, at the polls Feb. 10, but it's not yet clear who will be tasked with forming a coalition government to become Israel's next prime minister.
Kadima's Tzipi Livni, right, edged out Likud's Benjamin Netanyahu, left, at the polls Feb. 10, but it's not yet clear who will be tasked with forming a coalition government to become Israel's next prime minister. (Herzliya Conference, Brian Hendler)
Tzipi Livni's Kadima emerged as the largest single party, but the right-wing parliamentary bloc, led by Likud's Benjamin Netanyahu, captured the majority of the Knesset seats. The victor will be whoever can form a coalition government. Read more »

Livni, lacking baggage, would find friends in Washington

Tzipi Livni, unlike her main rival, does not have a history of tense relations with a Democratic White House, and she likely would be welcomed in Washington as a breath of fresh air. Read more »

Lieberman's moment

Riding a wave of popularity, Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman was greeted by cheering crowds on Election Day. Read more »

Lieberman loyalty proposal finds support in U.S.

As Yisrael Beiteinu vaulted into third place in Israel's elections, several American Jewish groups defended the party's controversial leader, Avigdor Lieberman. Read more »

Livni scores surprise win, but not clear victory

Scoring a come-from-behind win at the ballot box, Kadima's Tzipi Livni edged Likud's Benjamin Netanyahu as right-wing votes splintered to Avigdor Lieberman. Read more »

Editors' Picks

The day after Election Day

In a notoriously fractious society -- one that just considered 33 parties in parliamentary elections -- the Israeli commentariat seems to agree on just one thing: The Israeli electoral system is hopelessly broken.

Kosher food soaring

Sales of kosher food in the United States are exploding, with only a minority of purchasers saying they choose kosher for purely religious reasons. So why pay the premium?

Jewish scam artists

In the wake of the Madoff fiasco, maybe it's natural to pine for the good ol' days of Jewish gangsterdom. A new play revisits the life of one titan of the genre, Meyer Lansky.

Political Tidbits: Franken and Coleman come to Washington

Thoughts on the stimulus bill from the Religious Action Center. Franken and Coleman both hit the capital. M.J. Rosenberg on why Obama dodged a question on Mideast nukes. And Joe Lieberman and the Dems are buddies again.