The nation is already deeply in hock and has used its taxpayer citizens as collateral for huge international loans. We are living a hand to mouth existence and have reached the limits of our borrowing abilities. We will be forced to crank up the printing machines and runaway inflation will ensue. For each little spurt of optimism there will follow a number of reverses. The economy will collapse and the social upheaval that follows will set into motion a series of prophetic events that will finish off the nation.......
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.
Is Obama Bailing Out Big Pharma’s Bursting Bubble?
Bubble economics has become a painful financial lesson for America and the rest of the world. Will we learn from our mistakes? Will we get smarter about recognizing bubbles before they burst, so that the air can be let out of them in a less painful manner? It appears that our new president, in his passion to provide health care for everyone, is about to pump hot air into a bubble that is ready to explode under the weight of its own fraud and lack of results. The magnitude of this problem is on par with the scope of our mortgage meltdown mess, yet the problem is quietly flying under the radar – mostly due to denial. Sound familiar?.......
by Byron Richards, CCN
Priests and Child Sexual Abuse
Accusations of child sexual abuse against the Catholic Church rocked the Globe in 2002. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned a comprehensive study that found four percent of all priests who had served in the U.S. from 1950 to 2002 faced some sort of sexual accusation. The Church came under fire for "failing to protect" its children such as choir boys and "failure to report" to state authorities sexual crimes perpetrated by its own. The.......
by Dean Tong, MSc
Radical Rep Hails "Revolutionary" Obama
In her book, Renegade for Peace & Justice, Lee declares her support for “a world vision of peace” and a Cabinet-level Department of Peace. She favors big cuts in the Pentagon budget and reliance on the United Nations in foreign affairs. Regarding President Obama, whom she served as a presidential campaign adviser, Lee writes in her book that.......
by Cliff Kincaid
With Government Bailouts Come Government Control
Where is the inner sense of restraint and personal accountability with our nation’s financial institutions? President Obama said this week that he had imposed a cap on the senior executive salaries for messed up financial institutions. Instead of the “big dog talents” getting several million a year in salaries and bonuses they are capped now at 500,000, if they have received a bail out from the Feds........
by Laurie Roth